
B. T. considers: COP25 agreement is the icing on a ubagt cake

Sunday ended the UN's longest-running climate change negotiations ever in a kind of collapse. COP25 led to good...

It costs quite seriously 10,000 per year

Alarmknappen lights in the car's display and tells me that it is time for service. I pull it a little,...

Father at childbirth: It is the raving

I get so tired of ligestillingsdebattens symbolpolitiske opinions. I neglecting the fact that more men could take more maternity leave....

Was hit by a deep tragedy: Now, I am a member of the club

when I was young - almost a child - we heard constantly Roxette. in the morning, when we were in...

Tired of the snobbery on the Net: ‘Lazy pigs’

Should graduates look for a job as f.ex. A cashier in Net, if they cannot immediately find a job that suits their...

Sea Marie Serup: Silence is the DFs last defense

There is new information forward in the long history of abuse of EU funds in the Danish people's Party, known as the...

Former minister: Stop now published against us smokers!

the children of Men is now some strange postcards. There can himles up, and it arouses great indignation, if a...

I also drink too much

We talked about julegaveønsker on the job, and suddenly there one of the women there, says: "I would damn rather have a...

B. T. mean: We must not let ourselves be deterred – we must be...

'It is important that we not let us be deterred by terror,' said the ring-leader Flemming Is the conclusion of one of...

Nick Hækkerup is similar again: It is not such a Denmark, I will have

I'm through the last week's time has been criticized for suggesting that there is a relationship between security and freedom. By B....


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