
Psychologist: Simple ‘technique’ can increase your quality of life

One thing is to say thanks for the christmas present. It can be any child (almost) find out. Anything else is to...

B. T. mean: Nonsense and søforklaringer!

the Ability to speak clearly and say what you believe, is a virtue in our society. the Language witnesses...

Started smoking as a seven-year-old: I have smoked one million cigarettes

Kim Madsen suffer from lungesygdommen COPD, and he had the opportunity to send a clear message to his seven-year-old I, he would...

Revolutionary – break with almost 20 years of political line

Each year at this time, Denmark will have a new budget. It is not something to say to. For in the constitution...

There must roll heads NOW

Dear politicians and officials in government service. you need to know that, in the population is a wonderment...

B. T. considers: the Russians should be thrown out completely

The Olympic Games in Japan next year can be without the Russian flag. The judgment fell on Monday from The International anti-doping...

Ekspedients comment in the store made me furious

"Ha' a still really go' day and merry christmas," said ekspeditricen and handed me bæreposen with two whisky glass packed neatly in...

Deeply outraged by the mother’s remark to his daughter

"You think because the not is still on the goblins?" the Words fell on a cold decemberdag in the middle...

B. T. mean: Morality has nothing to with attire to make

In the comics, and the movies are the villains with tarnish morality for the most part easy to know. Either they...

My son’s question got me to thinking, so that it creaked

"Mother, do you think, vinduespudseren polishes the windows, because he thinks it's fun, or do you think he does it for the...


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