Hollywood star Uma Thurman (53) appeared on the red carpet with her daughter Maya Hawke (25). According to US media reports, their appearance at the 25th anniversary gala of “Room To Grow” in New York City was the first time in almost five years that the couple appeared together in a flash of flashes.

The two women decided to dress in partner looks. Thurman and Hawke arrived at the event in all black and elegant outfits. The 53-year-old wore a black, long-sleeved dress with a cape over it. She paired the leg slit dress with a brooch, diamond earrings, pointed pumps and a clutch. She wore her hair tied back in a sleek ponytail.

Maya Hawke opted for a similar look: She presented a two-piece combination, according to W Magazine by Prada, consisting of a blazer with gold buttons and wide-leg pants. She completed her ensemble with a Prada handbag and also pointy black pumps. Like her mother, she had tied her hair strictly back, but not in a ponytail, but in a bun.

Uma Thurman revealed to “People” magazine at the gala what makes her bond with her daughter special. “Good communication,” she said, adding, “It’s a big challenge to make sure communication with the family stays healthy, strong and open.”

Like her brother Levon (21), Maya Hawke comes from the marriage of actor Ethan Hawke (52) and Uma Thurman. The two married in 1998 and separated in 2003. Since 2019, Maya Hawke has appeared in the successful Netflix series “Stranger Things” as Robin Buckley and has also appeared in films such as Quentin Tarantino’s (60) “Once Upon a Time… in Hollywood”. She has also appeared in front of the camera with her parents for various projects.

Uma Thurman also has a daughter, Luna Thurman-Busson, from her relationship with Arpad Busson (60), who was born in July 2012. Ethan Hawke married Ryan Shawhughes in 2008, with whom he had two more daughters: Indiana (born 2011) and Clementine Jane (born 2008).