During the current “Let’s Dance” season, it was clear early on that Gabriel Kelly (22) would probably be the “Dancing Star 2024”. One could only hope that the singer would deliver such a great performance. In the grand finale of the dance show on RTL (also via RTL) he won the season with a perfect 90 points.

First, the three finalists had to prove in jury dances how much they have learned on the dance floor in the past few weeks. Choreographer and coach Detelf D! Soost (53) was given a slow waltz and floated through the studio with his professional partner Ekaterina Leonova (37) to a version of “What A Wonderful World”. For audience favorite Ekat, the dance “felt so good” and the jury also praised it. You can tell from both of them that it is a special evening, said Motsi Mabuse (43). Together with Jorge González (56) and Joachim Llambi (59), she scored a good 27 out of 30 possible points at the start.

Presenter Jana Wosnitza (30) and Vadim Garbuzov (37) danced a slow rumba. González’s “secret weapon” had “many, many good moments” that Llambi and Mabuse described as thoroughly sensual and romantic. However, she was unable to gain an advantage with also 27 points. The big favorite of the season then more than did his role justice. Kelly made it clear with Malika Dzumaev (33) that the competition would not have an easy time. Here too, Mabuse and Llambi agreed. “There has never been a better samba in ‘Let’s Dance’ – ever, ever, ever,” she enthused. The show judge from the first hour confirmed: “That was the best Samba in 17 years, of all the candidates.”

As a breather for the finalists, there was then a show act by the professionals and a reunion with the eliminated Maria Clara Groppler (25), Eva Padberg (44), Lina Larissa Strahl (26) and Stefano Zarrella (33) on the TV floor . In addition, Biyon Kattilathu (40), Tony Bauer (28), Lulu (32) and Ann-Kathrin Bendixen (24) appeared once again out of competition. Mark Keller (59), Sophia Thiel (29) and Tillman Schulz (34) were unable to dance due to injury or illness.

In the second round, the celebrities also showed top performances in their favorite dances with the dance professionals. According to González, Soost’s facial expressions during his samba were “sensational,” while Llambi wondered where the 53-year-old got his dynamism and strength from. With him, there is “no handbrake on,” and the long-time “Let’s Dance” juror prefers that to an overly controlled performance. 29 points. Mabuse elevated Wosnitza to the dance show nobility after her quickstep. “You are our standard queen,” praised the juror. González thanked her for the “really great show” so far, for which, like Soost, she once again received 29 points.

However, Kelly proved with a tango that he often danced again in a different class during the season. The audience rewarded the performance with thunderous applause – probably the loudest that presenter Daniel Hartwich (45) had ever heard in the studio. The pair were even able to cover up the fact that Dzumaev’s skirt got stuck so easily and professionally that they couldn’t even begin to influence the score of a full 30 points. The judge made no secret of the fact that Llambi would like to name Kelly the winner of the season. The reason is very simple: “Because he is the best this year.”

But Soost and Wosnitza didn’t want to give in without a fight. His final freestyle for “Men in Black” was enthusiastically celebrated in the studio. “You were always Detlef. And you always gave a thousand percent,” acknowledged Llambi. Mabuse described the celebrity dancer as a role model that shows that you simply have to give everything in life. And González was still “on another planet.” All three received a well-deserved ten points.

A Beyoncé freestyle also became Wosnitza’s best dance of the night. Not only was there a standing ovation from the audience and jury, but also 30 points. “That was chica power,” admired González. Llambi thought that she had really won again with female power in her final number and that Mabuse had “really blown the whole thing away”. Wosnitza works “incredibly hard” and that must be rewarded. Hartwich’s co-host Victoria Swarovski (30) summarized: “Beyoncé would be so proud of you.”

Kelly and Dzumaev’s Romeo and Juliet freestyle became the final highlight of the season. For Mabuse, the two embodied “pure dancing” and what they showed was “world class.” Llambi once again praised all three freestyles, which were very different and great in their own way, but the 22-year-old once again put his own stamp on the finale. So it’s no wonder that Kelly was able to get the highest number of points three times that evening, bringing the jury’s score to the full 90 points, while Soost and Wosnitza were still able to score a very good 86 points each.

The viewers on their home screens also rewarded Kelly’s performance, who was ultimately crowned “Dancing Star 2024” with his dance partner Dzumaev on Saturday night, with enough calls. Third place went to Soost alongside Leonova and second place went to Wosnitza with Garbuzov.

But the TV dancing fun isn’t over yet: On May 31st, “Let’s Dance – The Big Professional Challenge” will be shown on RTL from 8:15 p.m.