When Hendrik approaches Britta about the supposed pregnancy, it turns out that Joe faked the call using artificial intelligence – Britta is actually not pregnant. Meanwhile, Sam uses the AI ​​to get himself a morning off school. Franka and Julius confront Valerie with the demand to return the stolen gold bars, but Valerie steadfastly refuses and avoids further discussions by canceling Merle’s farewell dinner and meeting with Klaas instead.

Benedick is angry that Ringo does not end his partnership with Patrizia and asks his son to let the matter rest. However, Ringo decides otherwise. Easy regrets rejecting Charlotte because of an attempted theft and ponders what has happened to her in recent years. Tobias successfully rejects a dubious client without knowing that he will soon rescue Vivien from a difficult situation.

In the dispute over a patent, which is escalating to the detriment of Imani, she takes the initiative and pulls the emergency brake. Charlie tries to follow Deniz’s training instructions and prove himself in the Steinkamp squad. However, she doesn’t find the intensive training difficult. Lucie, who doesn’t want to disappoint Richard again, develops a plan and hopes that he will go along with it.

Carlos thinks about how he can save money, but gets into more trouble. Katrin and Emily invest a lot of energy in their agency and are faced with the challenge of hiring new staff and finding an important sponsor for the FFR. In this hustle and bustle, Katrin has an annoying mishap.