From 2020, a can of beer fall in price at the Systembolaget. It should deter swedes from buying Danish beer.

For many swedes are buying cheap beer in for example Denmark and Germany.

It takes Sweden’s state-run alkoholbutikker, Systembolaget, in a battle against the Danish-German border area will expand the range with beer budget for the next year.

It writes the Swedish media SVT.

Systembolaget has plans to expand the range with two beers, which can end up costing the down to 6.9 Swedish krona. The cheapest beer in the Swedish alkoholbutikker costs today 8,4 Swedish kronor.

If the beers end up with a selling price of 6.9 Swedish kronor, it will be equivalent to around 4,85 Danish kroner.

Crossing the Swedish border to Denmark, however, it is possible to buy the beer significantly cheaper than in their home country. It informs Lennart Agén, who is press officer at Systembolaget.

– If you choose a beer that is available both in the Systembolaget and in the Danish-German border area, it costs 3.3 the Swedish kroner in the Danish-German border Oslobet area and around 10 Swedish crowns, including a mortgage in the State shops.

– the Price of the Danish-German border area for you and me as customers is lower than what Systembolaget buys them for, and it is not fair. Our customers should not have to suffer it, he says to SVT.

It is not finally decided, that the cheap beer to be filled up on the shelves.

Systembolaget believes, however, that the beers to reduce the Danish-German border area, gaps in the Swedish market, and it will discuss with the suppliers.

According to Lennart Agén there is no intention that the general price level of beer should be lowered. It is up to the individual supplier to decide.

It is still uncertain how high an alcohol content of the two new beers are getting, and what the sales price will be, informs Lennart Agén.

– Who knows where it will land, but the price will certainly be below the 8.4 Swedish kronor, it is true, he says to SVT.
