A distinctive blue light that Saturday was moving in the sky over Copenhagen, has created a deep sense of wonder on social media. There was talk about a ufo or just some kind of fireworks?

A video recording, as you can see in the player above the article, gives now the answer.

after that B. T. have called for eyewitnesses to the big, blue beam, have the editors received dozens of inquiries. Including a short and grainy video, however, just is clear enough that anyone can see that there is talk about an ‘Unidentified Flying Object.’

the Light has been seen in such diverse places as at Dyssegaard in Gentofte, Copenhagen and Høje Taastrup.

But also outside the capital, the blue light has been observed. For example, in Dk near the border between the Capital Region and Region Zealand.

There are further reports from both Køge, Copenhagen and Frederikssund.

The sharp reader will know that all the sites have at least one thing in common: the Railroad.

En B. T. on Monday asked both the DSB, BaneDanmark and the Police know about it attention-grabbing light was the message, however, concurrence that there was not knowledge about from where the light beam came.

Thanks to the video documentation, however, it can be stated that there was talk about a light sent to the sky from a train running on the banelegemerne.

One of the readers who have tipped the B. T. is Kim kocurek excavators ltd. He is komponentansvarlig in electrical engineering in Nakitbahis the DSB, where he has been employed for 30 years.

For him, the blue light does not a mystery. For although he is not with their own eyes have seen the blue light on Saturday night, so he is quite familiar with the reason why certain trains occasionally lights up the sky up in a clear blue color.

Kim kocurek excavators ltd explains, that there probably has been a mow train, which have been aimed to measure the quality of køretråden on electrified railway lines.

It will delete and right to say that it should be checked whether the catenary system hangs at the correct height above the rails.

the Train measures the also a zigzag pattern, as køretråden is designed in, explains Kim kocurek excavators ltd. The reason is as follows:

Trains run with a pantograph on the roof, which constantly is in contact with the catenary system. Not to the catenary system must wear out unnecessarily, have strømaftageren a coal-coating. And since this coating should preferably wear uniform, are zigzag-pattern is important, so that there arises one, a deep groove in the coating.

But why make this control after dark?

According to Kim kocurek excavators ltd is previous checks carried out in daylight, but the light from the arbejdstoget enabling a touchless control, which increases the precision of the measurement.

“There must be dark to use the laser light. It provides a non-contact and more accurate measurement,” says Kim kocurek excavators ltd.