Ups, so is the gal again:

Ivanka Trump has once again written a tweet, which is get the grid to glow.

Or, to be more precise: As get historians to point out that she fiddle with historical quotes.

They are happy for Twitter at family Trump.

even before Donald Trump took The Oval office, it has social media been the president’s preferred platform, when he turns to the outside world.

Also now that he is in The White House, not a day passes without a steady stream of updates from his hand.

He uses twitter both to present concrete policy proposals and outcomes, but not least, to attack the media and his political opponents.

his eldest daughter, Ivanka Trump, likes to communicate on both Instagram and Twitter.

Ivanka is not only her father’s elder daughter. She is also one of his closest advisors and has almost taken a role as a ‘Førstedatter’ in the absence of a marked First lady.

But it goes fast, when father and daughter dangers to the keys.

sometimes a little too strong.

After last week’s hearings in Congress in connection with the feasibility studies for a possible impeachment of Trump wanted Ivanka Trump to show his support for his father.

Democrats believe that Trump has abused its power to put pressure on Ukraine in order to examine its political rival.

the Republicans, however, considers that the charges are a smear campaign, and the hearings a political circus.

Therefore expressed præsidentdatteren his support to his father with a political quote, which freely translated to English reads Dumanbet as follows:

‘A decline in public morality in the UNITED states is likely to be expressed as the abuse of power in connection with an impeachment as a way to crush political opponents or eliminate them.’

Ivanka Trump credited the French politician Alexis de Tocqueville in the words which had come from 1935.

the Problem is just that it is not a frenchman who has said them, writes the british newspaper The Guardian.

the Newspaper refers to numerous historians on Twitter, who believe to know that the quote is a paraphrase of something he wrote in the work ‘Democracy in America,’ the Words, which were reproduced and reformulated in the book ‘American Constitutional Law’ by John Innes Clark Hare 1889.

The Guardian suppose to præsidentdatteren have got an eye on the quote in an opinion piece from the Wall Street Journal from October, where the two forfatningsretsjurister also misunderstood it.

It is far from the first time, the president’s yndlingsdatter get criticism for his tweets.

When she in July wish the new british prime minister, Boris Johnson, congratulations with the choice, she wrote by mistake, ‘United Kingston’ instead of ‘United Kingdom.’

And when she in august would express its condolences for the victims after the killings in Texas and Ohio, where 29 people lost their lives in two masseskyderier it went wrong too.

Here awakened her otherwise very innocent tweets outrage, because more believed that the right-wing extremism, she tried to take distance from, exactly is the her father encourages.