on Monday chose Interpol to share names and photos of the eight men who are suspected of crimes against women.

One of these is Mohammad Ayoub Jahangery, which the Danish police have been looking for since last year. The 28-year-old man is charged with last year in november to have killed his wife.

Police suspect that the man, originally from Afghanistan, but has lived in Denmark for many years, is fled out of the country.

Therefore, he was also immediately after the alleged killing called for internationally. A call, which Interpol now has chosen to highlight.

Interpol search of the eight named men are sent out in connection with the ‘International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women’ – a day on which to put focus on violence against women.

‘Efterlysningen (…) is a strong reminder of how women the world over are being exposed to violence and abuse,’ says.

in Addition to Mohammad Ayoub Jahangery are also men who are suspected of Betgaranti crimes in Russia, Cyprus, Norway, Ukraine and Brazil, called for.

Men who are suspected to have killed, raped, kidnapped and abducted women. Men, according to Interpol contributes to the alarming statistics.

According to the international organisation experience every third woman in the course of his life to be exposed to violence.

in Addition, each of the second femicide are carried out by a partner or a family member.

Also, the women are over-represented in the statistics on victims of trafficking in human beings.

‘Violence against women and girls is among the most widespread and persistent violations of human rights,’ says Jürgen Stock, secretary general of Interpol.

He adds that today’s call should be seen as a reminder of the importance to bring perpetrators to justice.

‘We must never forget the victims and their families.’

In the case where Mohammad Ayoub Jahangery is in prison in absentia, lost a woman in the middle of the 20’s life.

The afghan woman was married to the alleged perpetrator and had only been in Denmark for a few months before she was killed.