It was a somewhat atypical headgear, Mie Højlund had to go to bed with after the match against France.

For the Danish landsholdsstjerne got tied half of the head as a result of a blow she received in the face.

“It’s actually been a little better than I had thought. We feared it would close completely, and it has not done, so we’re fine happy,” says Mie Højlund on his left eye.

In a duel, and she got an arm in the head and smoke in the floor. The cost of a trip on the sidelines and a big ice pack on the eye. The memory of Friday’s crash is still evident day then.

the Eye is blue and more swollen, but just because she got the face tied into rapidly, it is not gone worse.

“Our fysser was so talented. They said it was important to keep the pressure on, so it is not swollen too much. So I found a solution where there was a press at under the bandage,” explains Mie Højlund, who, however, had to capitulate in the course of the night.

“I should try to sleep with it but ended up having to take it of during the night. It was not particularly nice to lie,” says the 22-year-old landsholdsprofil.

She has a big smile the day after the victory. Like the rest of the national team. A victory, which means that Denmark Sunday not to play the President’s Cup but instead is far at the WORLD cup, where Norway is waiting.

A fight in which Mie Højlund for everything in the world will play no matter what, and this, she feels, she can. Even if Saturday is not completely painless. The she lives with.

“It pulsates, and I have a bit of a headache. It is a slightly uncomfortable feeling, because there is so much fluid in, but it could be much worse, so I quibble me not,” smiles landsholdsprofilen.

the Match against Norway will be played on Sunday at 12.30 local time, and you can follow it LIVE here on Already on Monday to the national team, then in action again, and here is the Netherlands, who are on the program.

The match is played already at 18: 00, and the same applies to the last mellemrundekamp against Serbia, which will be played on Wednesday.