They have been married for 18 years and have four children together. Yet appear Kellyanne Conway and her husband, George Conway, as both a bizarre and slightly odd couple.

Not so much because she is a slim, pretty and fair-haired woman, and he a little round guy with a slightly nerdy appearance.

More because they are fighting on each side in relation to the president Trumps political life:

One of Donald Trumps main advisers share namely table and bed with one of his worst critics.

the 52-year-old Kellyanne Conway has – as one of the only – stood shoulder to shoulder with the president, since the beginning of the election campaign in 2015.

She stood in the forefront of his campaign and was a not unimportant reason for it, against all odds, succeeded in Trump to conquer The White House under the nose of Hillary Clinton.

Her four-year-older husband has instead become Trumps evil spirit, and he is the recent months entered more and more into character as one of the president’s harshest critics.

His spike tweets hit the president right exactly there, where it does the most evil in him, namely on the pitch.

Trump is Kellyanne invaluable, but he has made no secret that he considers his trusted employee’s spouse as ‘a maiden loses and a husband from hell’, according to the Business Insider.

So even if they have the membership to the republican party to the joint – and Trump briefly considered giving George Conway an important post in his administration – then mr and mrs Conway figuratively speaking each to his – when they go to work.

Apart from when they are going to the party: So the troops, the elusive couple to the up side by side in a long dress and smoking.

this week created the counsellor’s man is again angry in The Oval office, when he after the NATO summit in London made fun of Trump on Twitter.

‘I can’t remember the last time, where anyone – and certainly not an american president – was laughed away from a continent,’ he wrote on social media Wednesday.

He was referring to the clip that show up on both social and mainstream media, where the canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau, the british Boris Johnson and president of the French republic Emmanuel Macron went to a reception at Buckingham Palace and amused by Trump.

Tweetet spread with lightning speed and quickly got more 121.000 likes and was retweeted over 21,000 times.

It was the proverbial drop that filled the bærgeret, and Trumps current kampagnechef Brad Parscale flew to the keys:

‘I can remember how exhausted you were when I met you. Where are you come a long way with hatred! You will soon be irrelevant again, and I can’t wait!’

‘I remember when you sat by Kellyanne conway’s table and searched for attention like a little lost puppy. I say it’s just, I thought you were her private secretary…’

How the mood is, when the door is closed to Conway-the couple’s fashionable home in embassy area of Washington, the only two who know.

certain it is, however, that Kellyanne Conway several times publicly thanked her husband for that she, at four, the child’s mother has been able to make a career. He is a faithful support of his wife and has taken care of house and children, while she has worked for the president.