sleep deprivation has made its mark in the WORLD cup squad, so the players have got free from training.

The Danish defense can also touch has træningstime in Kumamoto on Saturday, but it is only the reserves Cecilie Greve and Mia Rej, who laced sportsskoene.

the Duo have asked to be allowed to work out to keep in time, while the coach Klavs Bruun Jørgensen has given the rest of the squad a much-needed day off on top of the pragtkampen against France on Friday evening local time.

– One thing is the physical fatigue, which certainly has begun to show, although we have changed makes sense. There is also the mental fatigue, says national coach at a press conference Saturday morning.

– It was a little yoke, it was taken by the shoulders, and we shall of course process. We are not satisfied with reaching the next round. Now it is about to get up on the horse again and be ready for Norway, he says.

the Team played its initial five WORLD cup matches over the course of seven days, but it is not so much the wear and tear that plagues the Danish players.

rather, It is the classic slutrundeproblem with late matches, dinner after midnight and bedtime far out in the small hours.

– I have not slept much, for there was much in the game yesterday (Friday, ed.). It took a little longer in the locker room, than it usually is. We talked things through and got jublet and enjoyed it, says bagspilleren Anne Mette Hansen.

in addition to the press conference, there is nothing on the program for the players, who can even dispose of the Saturdays.

in turn, the national coach prepare for the difficult task that awaits against Norway on Sunday.

– I must watch a lot of video with Norway, and the girls just need to take it easy. As they have acted until now, I’m pretty sure that they have enough to prepare properly, says Klavs Bruun Jørgensen.
