Benjamin Netanyahu has refused to be guilty of the charges against him. Thursday, the attorney general indicted him.

Israel rigsadvokat, Avichai Mandelblit, has officially accused the country’s acting prime minister, the 70-year-old Benjamin Netanyahu.

It shall notify the attorney general Thursday in a statement.

the Charges covers bribery, breach of mandate and scams.

– It is a hard and sad day when the attorney general will have to indict the prime minister, who we all consider as our leader.

– the Decision is taken with a heavy heart, but I’m also happy for my decision. It is my duty to the public that all allegations will be investigated, says attorney general at a press conference, according to CNN.

Netanyahu, who has refused to be guilty of three corruption cases, is not legally obligated to resign as a result of the chief public prosecutor’s announcement.

Netanyahu is expected to come with an opinion on Thursday evening at 21.30.

Back in February recommended to the israeli police, that the attorney general should prosecute in the three corruption cases, which are dubbed case 1000, 2000 and 4000.


Netanyahu is suspected, among other things, illegally accepting gifts with a value of 264.000 dollar from powerful business people.

He also must have performed services in order to ensure a more favourable coverage in Israel’s largest newspaper, Yedioth Ahronoth, and on the website Walla.

Netanyahu is Israel’s longest-serving prime minister ever. He has served in the post since 2009, and he was also prime minister from 1996 to 1999.

Netanyahu is facing up to ten years in prison if he is found guilty of bribery. He is a style not more than three years in prison, if he only becomes known guilty of breach of mandate. It writes the news agency Reuters.

Rigsadvokat Avichai Mandelblits’s announcement comes at a time when Israel is already characterized by political chaos.

the Country may very well be on the way towards the third elections in under a year.

It is not managed for Benjamin Netanyahu or the former army chief Benny Gantz to assemble a majority behind a new government. They each have been given 28 days to try, since the elections in september.

It means that others in the parliament have now been given a deadline of 21 days to find an alternative majority. It is unprecedented in the history of Israel.
