Sønderborg Municipality has given the citizen a gift basket, according to the citizen’s information by mistake has been shared.

In Sønderborg Municipality is personal information about an individual by mistake been shared with the city’s other citizens.

It informs the Sønderborg Municipality in a press release.

During the broadcast of the ejendomsskattebilletter for 2020, the citizens due to a human error, had been sent a wrong annex in their e-box.

Of the annex shows one citizen’s name, address, the value of his property, as well as individual information about a loan for the payment of the land tax. The annex should have contained instructions, among others, in signing up for direct debit.

A ejendomsskattebillet is an annual statement from the municipality. It shows how much payable in taxes and fees in the coming year on the property in question.

Sønderborg Municipality has been Redwin in contact with the concerned citizen. The citizen has been given an apology, an explanation and a gift basket.

– We are very sorry that this has happened. We found it this morning and have so responded to it. We are sorry to hear of the error and regrets it deeply, says budget director and the chief accountant Brian Bennetsen to Ritzau.

He says, that the municipality was in telephone contact with the concerned citizen, in order to explain about the incident. Then, the municipality has been personally passed by with a gift basket “as a small patch on the wound”.

– the Citizen was, of course, also a little hard over it. But he could also understand that it is human to err, ” says Brian Bennetsen.

the Municipality has notified the incident to the Danish data protection agency and is now investigating how the error happened.

– We need to look at our own procedures and see what needs to be addressed to there, ” says Brian Bennetsen.

the Case is being handled by Sønderborg Municipality databeskyttelsesrådgiver, which ensures the documentation, notification to the Danish data protection agency, and to the supervisory authority’s advice and recommendations will be followed.
