It’s been almost two years since “Tagesthemen” spokesman Ingo Zamperoni (48) first gave impressions of the heated mood in the USA with his documentary “Trump, my American family and I”. In addition, he also showed how the increasing polarization in the United States affects him and his loved ones – father-in-law Paul is not only a Republican, but also a Trump supporter. On the occasion of the upcoming midterm elections in the USA, Zamperoni is now adding “Biden, Trump, my US family and I” (ARD media library) – and for good reason, as he revealed to “Bild”.
He is now “often asked about my US father-in-law on the open street. He’s a Republican. That was also the reason why we decided to give private insights into the family and a second part of the America documentary do when it comes to the disunity of the country.” This inner turmoil is reflected in her own family: Zamperoni’s wife Jiffer cannot understand that her own father has sided with ex-President Donald Trump (76).
Zamperoni has a special position here: His position as a non-American allows him to act as a mediator between the increasingly hardened fronts. “I’m someone who can listen to a lot of things from the side and then try to get a diplomatic foot in the door at the appropriate moment.”
Away from the family, Ingo Zamperoni has close ties to the USA. He worked for ARD as a correspondent for the foreign studio in Washington until 2016.