it is Still unclear how it goes for the football teams in the district continue. They are represented in a working group of Director Heinz Eckl.

County – While in the social media in the past few days and weeks, especially the toilet paper Challenge, the round was made, and the football district associations nominated each other, and in art pieces have been outbid, the associations, the conditions for the possible resumption of the season 2019/20 set. “The 1. September is still to come,“ emphasises Heinz Eckl, the top of the head in a circle to the Zugspitze. “If he comes in, we don’t know.”

As a first step, the Union leaders have adapted to the regulations and the articles of Association of the Bavarian football Association (BFV) in the Corona of the time. As the latest development, all the rules have been set for the club this summer, in addition to power. “Everything on ice,” confirmed Eckl. A more important point. Because one of the rules in football says that after six months of inactivity, any player the club can automatically switch. “If one has completed the end of November, his last game, then he should go now to another club,” stresses Eckl. So the BFV had to act.

lawyers will be turned on

+ the boss in a circle Zugspitze: Heinz Eckl. ©Halmel

With great interest looked at by the football authorities on Monday. Because it is an extraordinary DFB Bundestag took place. “The discussions there will have to be Done in the case of us influence,” emphasizes Eckl. Specifically on the topic of club. The circle-in-chief knows that in the working group established in the BFV even lawyers sit, in order to clarify legal things. “There is, finally, fundamental rights, about which the Association can’t simply ignore. Maybe a right to a change for a footballer, Yes, even,“ speculated the old city. “Who of us knows.” Since the BFV hedges by the legal counsel in advance.

No progress is being made on the resumption of operation. “Everything is still open,” says Eckl. He regrets it, basically. “So great, the Situation is currently very unsatisfactory, totally fun liberated”, he speaks openly.

relegation games late in November Eckl to join in the discussion here is pointless

After all, Eckl has the opportunity to get on the Front line. The former referee sits in the working group for the operation of the games of the circles, thus can represent the interests of the Zugspitz-Region directly to the source. The conditions and ways of thinking are very different, he has already experienced. “It is difficult to bring all under a hat,” he prophesied. “Some still have stand 17 game days, while others are only nine, we have twelve or 13, depending on the League.”

He noted that regional geographical and climatic differences in the plans were not taken into account. “We sure have different conditions than in lower Franconia.” He refers, for example, on the Relegation, which would, if necessary, also take place in the course of this calendar year. “Late in November, we need to here more, that would be absolutely pointless. Maybe it’s snowing, we have freezing temperatures, but no one goes out more.“ But – to calm: Still there is no roadmap, nothing Concrete. “It will not be easy but surely,” says Eckl. And: “All we are – as always – not law can make.”

output still completely unclear

The basic way, to the Bavarian football with club vote has taken, do you consider it as being right. “We are flexible, also for the case that there is again a wave of Infection. We could even break.“ He is clearly behind a decision, on the lawn, not on the green table. Cancel and in September to start over, he saw never as an Alternative. “If we start in September with a new season, then we’re just in the 15 leagues already four weeks late.” So you would have to make the game plans are much more dense. “And with English weeks, you’re game is always big,” he says sarcastically. “Many clubs have until today not a flood light.” There was then a rise of the right, would be the Class for 2020/21 very different. “In the circle class, there would be even a 17-League with five descenders. As the enthusiasm would be great.“

Eckl hope for early information from the Association game Committee, designate a time frame for the remainder of the season. “We as a district should have design options.” Then it goes into the discussions in the working group. “I think that it is good and it is important that our County is represented,” says Eckl. “What comes out of it – I don’t know.” Hopefully more than just toilet paper-Challenges in the Internet.

also read:

That held the clubs and privileged to be back on the court.