Richard Grenell is undoubtedly one of the most visible US Ambassador in Berlin ever. The government line Trumps, he takes on rowdy way – to the Annoyance of the Federal government. After just two years of it now, but in the end.

Berlin (dpa) – After his replacement as intelligence coordinator for the U.S. government, Richard Grenell wants to vacate his Post as Ambassador in Berlin.

According to information from the German press-Agency of the 53-Year-old within the next few weeks, assign – significantly ahead of the presidential election in the United States on 3. November. His office will then be expected to temporarily Robin Quinville, which is in July 2018, the messenger of the message and to substitute Grenells.

The question now is, what US President Donald Trump could be next, with Grenell projects. On Sunday, he praised his Ambassador in Germany, at least downright ebullient for his work as Commissioner of intelligence coordinator. “Richard Grenell is a Superstar,” said Trump in a US television interview. What I did Grenell for the country, was incredible. “He has one of the best Jobs I’ve ever seen.”

Grenell was appointed in February, surprisingly, from Trump to Washington, to assume temporarily the Post of intelligence coordinator. The background was that, until then, also Executive coordinator Joseph Maguire was killed at Trump in disgrace and resigned, so a quick interim solution had to be found. Now, a new, permanent coordinator for each of the 17 secret, however, is found services: last Thursday, Congressman John Ratcliffe was confirmed by the Senate and will now be on Tuesday sworn in.

a three-month term Grenells ends. He now wants to make his Embassy post, is not entirely surprising. While Grenell was let in February to explain that he wanted to remain an Ambassador. Two weeks later, the U.S. Online magazine “The Daily Wire reported:” but then, Grenell the White house had communicated its intention to Cancellation. An official confirmation, there were at the time, however, neither the White house nor the Embassy in Berlin.

In this line the message was on Sunday. She could not confirm the reports on the resignation Grenells “currently,” said a spokeswoman for the “Rheinische Post”. It was a Directive from the U.S. Embassy, to travel with no of comments or time to the plans of the Ambassador to make.

after the confirmation of the Ratcliffes on Friday, the Embassy had refused to comment on the plans for the future Grenells and only said that the Ambassador had represented during his time as an intelligence coordinator for the government’s policy towards Germany. “As we have already said, when he was appointed to this Post, we will take forward the key policy objectives continue to be as part of a single government to work aggressively forward.”

Grenell is considered to be extremely loyal to Trump and a good wire prides itself on again and again to the White house. Via Twitter he sent like pictures with the President in Air Force One or that he had just got off the phone with him.

He sees it as his task to represent the policy Trumps in Germany and Europe-on the offensive – in an unconventional, rather undiplomatic way. This is especially true for a number of his favorite topics:

Iran: shortly after his appointment as Ambassador in may 2018, the German company warned Grenell in front of it, with Iran to cooperate.

defense spending: From anger over the inadequacy of the German military budget Grenell, U.S. troops from Germany threatened to withdraw.

Nord Stream 2: Because of the German-Russian Baltic sea pipeline brought Grenell very early in sanctions against German companies into the game.

– Huawei: Germany had to exclude the Chinese Telecom giant from building the mobile networks of the next Generation, called Grenell again and again.

In the political Berlin, the man from Michigan, in the Midwest of the United States, with its rabid kind, hardly any friends. His best contact in the Federal government, Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) is. In the foreign office and in the Chancellery of his activities is, however, not particularly well.

From the Opposition claims, it is to explain it to the “unwanted Person”, and thus virtually to expel even came sporadically. Bundestag Vice-President Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), said that the Ambassador is behaving, “than the United States makes here crew.”

Grenell lives in his residence in Berlin-Dahlem, with his Partner of many years, and also as an Ambassador is very active for the rights of Gays and lesbians. What will become of him, if he goes back soon to the USA?

There is already speculation that he will help Trump now in the election campaign, and higher Would could speculate in the case of a re-election. He was always for other high-level Posts in the conversation. He was as U.S. Ambassador acted at the United Nations in New York and as a safety consultant trump in the White house. Last October, the President appointed Grenell also to the messenger for the efforts to bring peace between Serbia and Kosovo.

And what is the assigns Grenells for the English-American relations? There are many in Berlin, will breathe a sigh of relief. On the other hand, a long period of time now threatens again without a U.S. Ambassador. The Post before the US presidential election is re-occupied, it is unlikely. And even then it can take. Before Grenell was accredited two years ago in Berlin, was vacant of the Post of 15 months – as long as never before after the Second world war.

biography Grenells