The management of the Corona-crisis has cost the County since March of around 4.8 million euros. The hospital is also likely to incur a multi-million amount for the containment of the pandemic. How much money the County from the disaster prevention Fund will be refunded, no one knows.

Erding – On 16. March was the first to call for the whole of Bavaria, the disaster case. He still applies today. The County had to order the pay protection equipment in large quantities, especially masks, gowns, gloves, visors and goggles. In the district Committee Tobias Kilger of the district administration, on Monday, the first cost statement. So far what has been ordered for 4.8 million euros. To 20. May have been transferred for less than 3.7 million euros. The procurement volume was loud Kilger at 5.5 to six million euros. It had last been given but some cancellations.

criticism of the state and Federal government: insufficient supply, poor quality

Kilger, who is also the Executive Director of the rescue Association, lamented that “through regular sources of supply for a long time is not a Material, and the delayed release could state, or the Federal Republic only in a very a Central power supply to set up”. Today is not required would be “just, and partly also qualitatively unsuitable materials are delivered”.

The accrued to date of EUR 4.8 million the County is not completely self-pay. Mostly, the amount should be refunded because of the disaster if the free state. In addition, the circuit also supplies a carrier of the Old – and nursing homes as well as offices and therefore a right to compensation. So far, not according to Kilger, how much money Corona will cost the County.

Corona: more effort is not at the hospital yet

Yet not the financial cost is estimated at the hospital. He could be named next Monday in the hospital Committee. Then had asked FW-group-in-chief Georg Els.

The cost of the auxiliary hospital in the waiting room for asylum interested SPD parliamentary group spokeswoman Ulla Dieckmann. Kilger reported that the construction of the first 160 up to 1000 beds have a cost of 300 000 Euro. The maintenance, including maintenance of oxygen and air conditioning, suggest a month, with 200 000 euros. Monthly 80 000 to 90 000 euros were incurred in operating costs. District administrator Martin Bayer, storfer (CSU) assumes that the County gets here, all expenditure of the government of upper Bavaria refunded – you had arranged for the building. For this reason, Bayer, storfer does not want to ask also the counties of Ebersberg, Freising, to the cashier, which in the case of a second wave of Infection of the Notklinik in the airbase with the show (we reported).

class room will now be disinfected daily

Significantly more expensive in the future cleaning of the schools of the district. Matthias Huber of the property management reported to the Committee that the heads of the schools had expressed in sponsorship of the circle of the desire, not only to the sanitary facility, but also all the class rooms instead of cleaning every two days now every day and to disinfect. This was necessary in order to be able to the Virus is still contain, if more and more children return to the classroom.

So far, the Committee did not want to go. He followed the example of other counties in which the schools the Toilets daily, the class rooms but they are cleaned only run every two days. For this, they are disinfected for the time being, on a daily basis – in a cost-saving to the district of self-made disinfectant. The effort for this, Huber estimated, with a maximum of 131 000 Euro, up to the summer holidays. So far, the County is used for cleaning per month 96 000 Euro. A daily cleaning and disinfection would have meant a monthly cost of about 120 000 euros.

sports clubs can use the halls again – under one condition

Huber said, clubs may use the sports halls, unless you implement the corresponding concepts of their organizations. First inquiries there already.