The restrictions caused by the Coronavirus will be eased. Car-owners to the main investigation? Have TÜV, Dekra, GTÜ and KÜS open?

The restrictions due to the Coronavirus nationwide are loosened. Must be presented to the car, in the meantime, back to the main study ? This is the Situation in TÜV, Dekra, GTÜ and KÜS .

In Germany, everyone is affected in some Form of the measures to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. By the restrictions, which apply nationwide, are, in fact, stopped all the citizens, as before, to limit the contact to other people as much as possible. How it looks with the main inspection (HU) for the car?

Update from the 4. June 2020: the main examinations will be held – extensions of the deadline does not guarantee

According to the ADAC in all of the major verifiers carry out the main investigation. TÜV, Dekra and GTÜ would follow, therefore, your work operating. Actually, a fine threatens the expiration of the two-month deadline for the HU. However, the Federal Ministry of transport has proposed a total of four months.

A commitment for this deadline extension, however, is not – each country can decide this for themselves. According to the ADAC, there is a need not everywhere an adjustment of the deadlines, as the testing capacities are not already utilized. Then a punishment could face as usual after two months. Therefore, the car should be to ask owner in case of doubt, contact your local verifier.

on-site also apply to the current spacing rules during the Corona-crisis: This means that you comply with 1.5 to 2 Meter distance to other people and inside buildings, a mouth-nose protection you must carry.

message from the 23. March 2020: main examination is due – That is in danger of Overdraft – while Corona-crisis?

Basically, the main investigation* must not be covered. Who covers the period of more than two months, must reckon with a penalty of 15 Euro . In the case of more than four to eight months of delay, a penalty of 25 Euro will be charged. Who arrives after that is still the car to the main investigation, will be punished by the legislator with a fine of 60 Euro and one point in Flensburg. But these rules also apply during the Corona-crisis?

such As Vincenzo Lucà by TÜV Süd, compared to the German press Agency explained, the audit requirement also applies, in spite of Coronavirus : “as Long as the authorities arrange Otherwise, we check further,” it says.

According to the länder and the Federal Ministry of transport and digital infrastructure (BMVI) to Perform regular technical inspections of safety in road traffic and is in order to maintain the system relevant logistics chains serves necessary .

as a General rule, for example, in Bavaria, in the days of Corona, the Go to a Car repair shop is a good reason to leave the house – as long as the Work cannot be postponed to a later date. Nevertheless, to be complied with in the case of such an appointment, a distance of at least 1.5 meters . In addition, customers should for the test organizations to inform, whether there are Changes in the opening Hours.

Who is plating, however, due to special health caution the appointment of the due main investigation for more than two months and up to a maximum of four months, to currently, do not have to pay a penalty – so the recommendation of the BMVI in the States. This is evident from the communication from the GTÜ.

Matching : TÜV: So you prepare yourself properly on the main investigation.

Coronavirus: The TÜV says to the main investigation

How to TÜV Süd on its website, it was restricted to the network of Service centers on system-relevant verifiers with reduced opening Hours and a skeleton crew. That’s why apply in Bavaria, now Opening from Monday to Friday from 8 am to 12 PM and 13 to 16 clock . The TÜV Nord asks customers to contact us in a timely manner to the local TÜV-Station, to comply with or to schedule an appointment to clarify. The compliance with the hygiene regulations and the bid have to maintain a distance, a top priority. According to TÜV Rheinland, which are testing opened Ellen the majority of and provide services to the full extent to . Exceptions test centres, located in areas with a high risk potential. To avoid personal contact, to customers, however, remain in front of the test station, sitting in the car , until a staff comes to you. During the test, this should stay not in the test area, but Outdoors. Otherwise, the stay in the customer Waiting area at two Meter distance to other possible. According to the distance of the test, the results could be discussed with a member of staff in a two Meter distance. Invoices are, if possible, settle on a cashless basis to.

interesting : TÜV-plaque: What do the colors and Numbers mean on the round sticker.

the main investigation at Dekra in Coronavirus-times

The Dekra considers the testing of vehicles, while the Corona-crisis , such as the Online Portal, MOZ writes. The branches in Oranienburg, Potsdam and Berlin, for example, continues to be the main or the emission testing of vehicles in the various verifiers. The Oranienburger branch Manager Jens-Peter Schultze advises customers to book Online calendar on the website appointments, to avoid waiting times. In addition, customers will be advised in the car to wait until an employee comes to true during the tests distance.

the main investigation in times of Coronavirus in GTÜ

The society for Technical Monitoring (GTÜ) tells also that the main study also in the current Situation is still regulated possible and mandatory for every vehicle registered . More than 750 verifiers of the GTÜ-Partner and a majority of the test sites were the customers, therefore, largely without restriction.

“Even during the main examination of the protection of the health of citizens and employees is in the foreground,” says Robert Köstler, spokesman of the management Board of the GTÜ. Therefore, the company ask the stay in the enforcement panel to Comply with the hygiene measures and applicable distance provisions . A prior appointment with the GTÜ-Partner would be useful and would enable a smooth running site. The current experience shows that is to complete a main investigation at the moment without great waiting times to .

Coronavirus: This applies in the case of main examinations at KÜS

“For us, the health of our customers and employees is a top priority and is in the first place. the It is also our desire to receive the testing in Germany within the meaning of the traffic safety , under the observance of all safety measures,” said a spokesman for the Saarland-based monitoring organization of our editorial staff. “Our company’s branch KÜS Service, and others responsible for the topics of work safety and work medicine, supplies our partners constantly with information and tips.”

also read : TÜV Report, 2020: With this car you have in the main investigation bad cards.

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