Trump described it as “one of the biggest breakthroughs in the history of medicine”, as a “gift from God “. The Corona-treatment with the malarial agents chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine made in the past few weeks, Often as not, the headlines. The US President said however, this prophylactic to take to protect themselves from a serious Covid-19-disease.

the drug Mix can cause severe side effects such as gastro-intestinal complaints, dizziness or mood swings, read he out of Eight.

The funds will be used for decades for the treatment of Malaria and of autoimmune diseases. In mid-February, Chinese scientists reported the first positive effects at Covid-19-patients. Countries around the world began to treat Covid-19-patients with Cholorquin and hydroxychloroquine. The world health organization (WHO) launched clinical studies. In particular, critically ill patients with pre-existing conditions were administered the funds.

In initial studies, they failed, but failed miserably, have been able to achieve, either individually or in combination therapy with the antibiotic Azithromycin success. The hope, hydroxychloroquine does not decrease the probability to be connected to a respirator, was fulfilled.

“Lancet”study was not warned of dangerous side-effects of the Malaria drug

But that’s enough. In the following weeks, the criticism of the means was always sharper. 22. May published by Swiss scientists in the journal “the Lancet”, a study concluded that hydroxychloroquine and the related drug, chloroquine, was not only of no Use at Covid-19-had patients, but may be due to severe side effects and even the risk of death increased.

The publication drew considerable consequences: in Several countries, including France, had then said the treatment of Covid-19-patients with Malaria funds. The German Federal Ministry of health were donated chloroquine tablets in the pharmaceutical industry.

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Not all countries treatment with hydroxychloroquine from

However, not all countries are supported in their approach to the “Lancet”study. At the end of may about the top biomedical research institution in India, said that studies have shown that hydroxychloroquine “no major side effects” had. Thus, the use of Malaria has been recommended for funding officially in the fight against the pandemic.

the Brazilian head of state, Jair Bolsonaro boasted hydroxychloroquine continued. The Ministry of health in Brasília, recommended that the funds for the treatment of Covid-19 patients, the recommendation also applied to the WHO warnings. “We remain calm, and there is no Change,” said the Ministry representative, Mayra Pinheiro.

help “in Brazil, nurses, Doctors, and health experts prophylactically against the Virus”, had supplied the United States last week, two million doses of the Malaria-By to Brazil. The White house said on Sunday. President Trump explained to the taking of the funds now exposed to.

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looking for a critique of the study: Doctors write open letter

A week later, dozens of researchers from all over the world, expressed in an open letter, they saw the study skeptical. Your in-depth testing would have caused “both concern the methodology as well as the collection of the data,” they said.

In her letter cited a long list of from the point of view of the signatories, to the problematic points. She criticized, the study’s authors have not kept to the standard practices of machine learning, there have been no Ethics review. Not even the countries or hospitals were mentioned by the authors whose data they had used for their investigation.

The researchers from the Harvard Medical School in Boston and the University hospital Zurich had only to have the data of 96,000 patients in hundreds of hospitals around the world evaluated. Their data were obtained from the US company Surgisphere, which is specialized on the analysis of health data – the access to the raw data was missing, however.

journal distancing itself from the publication of

Now, the journal itself has distanced itself from the publication. The editor of the “Lancet” published on Tuesday evening on an official warning. This drew the attention of the reader to the fact that “serious scientific questions” concerning the study had been brought to its attention.

the prestigious scientific journal has retracted the study, although – according to experts, however, this is only a matter of time. For example, the French pharmacologist Gilnert Deray on Twitter, said that he could see, the study is already “on the way to be withdrawn”.

pharmacologist to mediocre studies: “A disaster”

“the Lancet”,-representative indicated in the warning message that you have commissioned the authors of the study, were not associated with Surgisphere, with an examination of the data. The result is likely to be “soon” festival. “As soon as we have more information, we will update the note”, more wrote the magazine.

That would be Deray, according to “a disaster”, because in spite of the current Situation of scientific publications would need to be tested before the release is sufficient. “The urgency of the pandemic does not justify the mediocre studies,” said Deray. He warned, to associate scientific studies with the media of interest.

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In another Post, he said: “The recent Lancet retractions should not make us forget, we still have no evidence for the effectiveness of the treatment with chloroquine / Azithromycin.“

compared with placebo: effect “not statistically significant”

the data available on the effect of hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine is not unique, shows a further study on Wednesday in the journal “New England Journal of Medicine” appeared. Researchers at the University of Minnesota is not determined on the basis of the data of around 800 people, that the malaria funds had in most cases better than placebo.

The scientists had performed an Experiment in which they exposed participants without mouth protection for the pathogen. In the connection part of the persons hydroxychloroquine received, the comparison group Placebo agent.

The result: About 12 percent of the hydroxy-chloroquine group, about 14 percent of patients in the Placebo group. This small difference is according to the researchers, “not statistically significant”. Therefore, further studies will be necessary to prove an actual effect of the Agent.

Drosten: “makes Sense to. now ongoing studies to the end

” That also emphasized Christian Drosten of the NDR Podcast on Tuesday The world health organization suspended clinical trials, he is wrong. “Of course, clinical trials must be completed, otherwise it was all a waste of energy,” explains the virologist. “Otherwise, a miss, maybe a little bit of effect. Who knows.“

About the actual effect of the Agent you could say so far nothing, in fact, but the knowledge that chloroquine also has certain anti-inflammatory, so anti-inflammatory, properties. The massive criticism of the international scientists can be understood as a “call to completeness”.

“is It not so that the chloroquine brings a patient to the same total at risk,” said Drosten. “It is useful to now ongoing studies are again consistent to the end, but really with a precise consideration on the upcoming data.” You see the PCP you See in the eddy to Studio guests: Maischberger harvest before TV Talk harsh criticism, FOCUS Online/Wochit vortex Studio guests: Maischberger harvest before TV Talk massive criticism
