Prime Minister Markus Söder answered questions from the BR spectators at “Now red i”. He is known here, color in the Corona-crisis, and remained a strict line.

Prime Minister Markus Söder was on Wednesday in the BR-broadcast “Now red i”. The CSU-politician answered questions of the BR-audience-for-Corona-crisis in the free state. He was consistent and true to his line. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus, and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures. For more on this topic and many more exciting stories, there is also in our App.

Munich – Shortly after the beginning of the BR-broadcast “Now red i” it came to a first firecracker-statement of the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder . He answered the audience question, when, finally, in the face of falling infected pay the mask of duty will fall.

Although Söder answered only indirectly, but his message was clear: Without a vaccine or drug, there is only one effective measure against the Virus: keep your distance. “Distance, Hygiene and masks,” on was one of Söder. To rely solely on voluntary participation, does not work. “We have tried at the beginning,” reminds the Prime Minister at the beginning of the first Corona-wave in March. You have to commit to the “Unreasonable”, in order to protect the Reasonable. the in other words: It remains, until Further notice, and without a vaccine or drug (thus, possibly in the very long term) with the mask of duty in the free state.

BR-Moderator Tilmann Schöberl jumped to the CSU-politician to the side: “I can testify that His mask is always with you”. Söder have the blue-and-white mask in the bag with in the Studio. “He goes ahead with a good example!”

Corona-relaxations in Bavaria: Söder in BR-program about great wedding ceremonies, funerals, and birthday parties

But the crowd went into it, many wish for more easing: When it could finally give a great weddings and birth day , would be a lot of questions in the network, said presenter Franziska Eder . But Söder was also in this concern to be careful and cautious. The recent outbreaks in the community in Frankfurt and in the Locally in lower Saxony, have shown, “how are incredibly fast, as fast as lightning, how is insidious, this Coronavirus” . Now it is just for private parties particularly hard to keep my distance.

But Söder was then still an Outlook: “If the Numbers are after Pentecost is stable and we get then, especially due to the Opening of the borders with no problems, we will make us about topics such as weddings, funerals and birthday parties thoughts.”

immediately afterwards, the Prime Minister, but warned again: We know still too little about the Virus, about possible complications and end-organ damage, even in children. Therefore, does not apply to him: “as Long as I’m not 100 percent sure,” I level-headedness prevail.

Söder in BR-broadcast on the subject of Corona vaccine: “do not Believe in every promise of the pharmaceutical giants”

Whether it’ll actually give in a timely manner or at all ever had a vaccine since he was sometimes skeptical, admitted Söder on viewers demand. the It’s “don’t believe in every promise of the pharmaceutical giants” , but he hoped for it.

He, personally, was in any case against all Possible vaccinated and going well so far with it. Nevertheless, it will give for the case of the discovery of a Corona vaccine no obligation, but the policy will make a recommendation.

Corona-crisis and the EU: Söder with serious allegations against von der Leyen

Söder divided politically in the BR programme. He is angry about the EU-Commission under the President of Ursula von der Leyen . He even expressed the suspicion that the EU attempts Commission is aware, “to press German aid”, in order for the country to come in a European comparison, out of the crisis. As an example, he cited the requirements for rescue measures in case of Lufthansa, the 50 percent of the Slots at the Munich airport to give up.

“Now red i” in BR: climate activist confronted Söder directly: “I am disappointed and extremely angry,”

At the conclusion of the consignment was then displayed in the “Fridays for Future”activist Franziska Sänftl from Dingolfing. She was “disappointed and extremely angry,” if you hear that Lufthansa will be supported with billions of taxpayers ‘ money without a climate conditions, or even a car buy premium from Söder to the game will be brought.

Söder tried the criticism of the young activist cushion and promised with respect to such a new premium : “When you promote something, only what has less harmful emissions.” It had to be a clean and better car. The primary objective was, however, electric mobility – and even the promotion of bicycles as an Alternative, he called in a nebulous phrase. However, the CSU politician also urged that it would be the important car industry in Bavaria “reckless gamble”.
