grief to Hans Kofler. The Director of studies retired, passed away at the age of 81 years.

Rieder home “The Kofler and his Caddy” was the headline in the local newspaper about 20 years ago. The encounter of Hans Kofler at the BMW International Open in Eichenried with the best German Golfer Bernhard Langer, who accompanied the Erdinger once as a Caddy. Now the Golf-a pioneer of the County passed away at the age of 81 years.

Hans Kofler came in 1938 in the village of the Tyrol, near Merano, to the world. His two brothers were killed in the war, so the parents left together with her youngest son home to South Tyrol and settled in Erding. Soon after, his father died, and so Hans came to the monastery Algasing in the school, “where the pastor said,’ You’re a Higher calling,” says Hans Koflers son Korbinian. “The mother wanted to send him to the higher school, so he has advertised herself to the headmaster of the grammar school, then called grammar school in Erding, almost under the Hand.”

Twelve years Hans Kofler was old when he discovered his love for the sport of Golf. The Fliegerhorst Erding stationed American units, had built next to the runway, a Nine-hole course. “Because he was as a Boy, always on the fence,” says Korbinian Kofler. “Because he has earned as a caddy for some pocket money and was allowed to try it themselves.” In addition to the Golf, he also discovered his love for Hershey’s chocolate. “If we were in America, we had to bring him, always.” After the withdrawal of the Americans in 1955, it gave the place three years. 1958 was the final conclusion.

After high school, studied Hans Kofler teacher in Munich, was a member of the Munich Golf club, where he with the 1. Team multiple Championships won. When he completed his legal traineeship first in Lindau and later in Augsburg and in the local Golf club member was, it came to a lasting encounter. In 1967, the Erdinger participated in the Club championship and got a ten year old boy as a Caddie assigned to: Bernhard was a Long, with the Association ever since, a real friendship.

1969 joined Erding Hans Kofler at the Gymnasium, the today Anne-Frank-Gymnasium, his position as a teacher for the subjects of sports and chemistry. Two years earlier, the idea was born to establish a Golf club in Erding. After the withdrawal of the Americans, the Erdinger on the U.S. Gulf were moved to a place in Dachau “on”, the later with the help of Hans Kofler of the GC Dachau, was created. After some time later he was in green Creek a suitable site was found in July 1973 – with the Chairman Arnold of the Brace and sport Hans Kofler – the GC Erding-grünbach were lifted out of the baptism, and the game began. The dedicated sports teacher was also “a founding father of the school Golf in Bavaria,” says Korbinian Kofler. However, in other areas, mind Hans Kofler to motivate his students. Track and field, Volleyball and, above all, the skiing, there were his great suffering. Highlights were for him always the annual ski camp, “and the College levels-Ski weekends, he introduced,” recalls his older son, Korbinian, who was born in 1977. In 1980, Sebastian came to the world.

A special fondness Hans Kofler in addition, he taught his students for years had. “My father was able to catch trout by Hand, and which he has taught to the students,” says Korbinian Kofler, laughing. “Then rumgekraxelt all over the town Weir in the Erdinger city Park between the stones and fished for trout. But then it has been told by a student at home, because the parents have become rebellious, and the fishing has been prohibited for safety reasons.“ But Hans Kofler had other Hobbies, such as Collecting Antiques. At the end of the 70s he bought together with his wife Hannelore in the old, protected Schreinerhof in Rieder’s home from the 19th century. Century, he renovated ten years. “The materials had to be from the same time, and so he had to drive over and looked where the degrees of what is to be demolished,” says Korbinian Kofler. “The shingles for the roof he has all the Hand-out beaten and carved.” The physical effort took its toll. “By the oversized hard work, he has sustained multiple herniated discs in.” The Golf was not so good possible, “because the drag, the hands no longer functioned, and also the feeling for the short game was lost”. Finally, the more times the club champion and the master had to stop the winner of the whole: “That was bad for him.”

“His” Golf club in green brook, he remained, of course, still connected. He used meadows, the orchard and collected the balls for his own private Golf Museum. To 50 000 to 100 000 balls Korbinian Kofler estimates that the collection of his father – sorted according to the Logos, colors and labels. “For him it was a good day, when he came in with at least 30 balls home,” says Korbinian Kofler with a grin and told how they fished as children, all of them together Golf balls from the pond on the green Bacher place. “In the full moon light was enough. Since we are risen with a swimsuit in, then the mud kneaded, the balls practically filtered out and then thrown out,“ explains Korbinian Kofler, the night actions. “As we have found often in a night, hundreds of balls, have, however, caught in between a frog or a fish.”

Hans Kofler was his life in motion and on-the-go. The more it bugged him that he was health getting worse and worse. His last ten years he was traveling a lot. He had travelled through almost all the continents of the world, in the beginning, playing Golf, and later of cultural interest. By the end of 2019, was diagnosed with leukemia. Finally, the drugs no longer beat, and he came to Freising in the hospital. “Since he got a video message from Bernhard Langer, who we have played him in the hospital pre. He has very happy,“ says Korbinian Kofler in an agitated voice. “Two days later, he is asleep quietly and peacefully.”