Bjerringbro-Silkeborg led with four goals in the second half, but lost anyway at home against Aarhus with three goals.

Aarhus Handball on Wednesday took an important step in the hunt for top-8, which triggers a place in the playoff in the Early Tours the League.

It came to pass by to take a nice scalp out of Bjerringbro-Silkeborg (BSH), which was defeated with 32-29.

After all, 14 teams now have played 14 matches, Aarhus with his 14 points only a point after crawley down at the vital knight. BSH will be on 16 points as number five.

the BSH had otherwise good control of the fight in the first half, where the team most of the time led with between one and three goals. Only at the post 11-10 tried Aarhus to lie in front.

Then followed a period, where the slovenian playmaker Sebastian Skube was in the lead and was quite decisive. In ten minutes he scored three goals, provided two assists and got awarded a penalty, and then led the home team with 17-14.

a Few minutes later was the distance at the break still three goals in the BSH’s favor, namely, 19-16.

After the break was Skube still målfarlig, but it was difficult for teammates. Therefore, could the Aarhus exchange 16-20 to 19-20, and there was full contact at 22-22. Nikolaj Læsø brought even Aarhus at 23-22 with 16 minutes left.

Then equalized Nikolaj Markussen to 23-23, but then it was time to go a little more than eight minutes before the next BSH-goal. Aarhus utilized the period to bring itself to the front with four goals, and it would prove crucial.

the home Team did not get wind of the points in the final phase, and Aarhus could travel the 45 miles home with a win on three goals.

GOG had a slow start this season, but the inhabitants of funen is to find the trail. Wednesday was agterlanternen, north Zealand, crushed with 34-21 at home after the 16-10 at the break. GOG now has 16 points.

Also the sovereign førerhold, Aalborg, lived up to favoritrollen by winning 32-29 over KIF Kolding. Aalborg has 25 points in front of the TTH Holstebro and Skjern with each 19.

Finally won the Mors-Thy home with the 29-27 over Lemvig-Thyborøn. They have respectively 14 and 5 points.
