– There is no doubt that we have not done our work well enough, the sounds from the agency about errors in the sample.

the Danish Agency for International Recruitment and Integration (Siri) now acknowledges that there has crept error in the citizenship test which foreigners have to pass in order to obtain a Danish citizenship.

The typing of the DR News, which in the past have revealed the errors.

– It is quite true, as DR News have described, there are two correct answers to question 21. It means that prøvedeltagere, who answered one of the two correct answers will be credited the answer as a correct answer, says Kasper Højvang Kyed, director of Siri, to DR News.

the Error had crept in in a question which was, What captured the british from Denmark in 1807?

Here could prøvedeltagerne either answer “National fleet”, “West Indies” or “The Danish part of the North sea”.

According to the sample were “Danish navy” the right answer.

the British conquered, however, also The West india Islands in 1807, and, therefore, there would be two correct answers to the question.

– It is not satisfactory, that there are mistakes in the citizenship test. It is a test that provides access to the far-reaching rights in the Danish society, and therefore of course there must be talk about a flawless test, ” says Kasper Højvang Kyed.

– There is no doubt that we have not done our work well enough, he adds.

Friday wrote Siri otherwise, in a press release that “although in relation to question 21 may be argued that also The West indian Islands were captured by the british, assesses Siri, however, that it may give rise to doubt as to which answer is correct when taking lærematerialet”.

another error has meant that the agency has let a question be deleted from the sample. This means that all participants have registered a correct answer, regardless of what they have the answer to the question.

in Order to avoid errors in the future it will be something new to let independent experts review the test for errors in prøveafholdelse. It informs Siri. to DR.
