At the beginning of June, actor Kida Khodr Ramadan announced that he was taking a break. He announced via Instagram that he felt overworked and was no longer the person he wanted to be. In an interview with “Bild am Sonntag”, the “4 Blocks” star now explains in detail what exactly he means by that and how he wants to regenerate. “First of all, I have to switch off and, more importantly, I have to work on myself,” says Ramadan frankly.

He made mistakes and treated people badly, but never threatened anyone. But he could understand that his behavior was “sometimes perceived as threatening”: “I was choleric, in German: quite a screamer.” Because he gets loud quickly, he also quickly comes across as aggressive, but I never understood before that his counterpart felt intimidated by it: “I scared people.”

But he didn’t notice it himself and was made aware of this problem by friends, which made him think: “Nobody wants someone to treat their fellow human beings like that. But when you’re in the tunnel, you forget it.” He’s sorry for all of that, but: “I’ve never hit people, thrown anything at people or attacked them in any other way. I kicked the door, hit the wall or knocked over a chair out of anger. But I’d never be another person attack.”

Now he’s getting help and looking forward to it: “I’m doing therapy, talking to people there who will help me to do certain things right in the future.” He is also taking a cure for his diabetes and is eating much healthier than before. He swims a lot and also wants to use the break to question himself: “I have to get healthy, physically and mentally, I also want to be alone and calm down.”

He doesn’t want an employee or a young set runner to see him so aggressively: “What should these colleagues think? There’s a monster, they think to themselves. I’m not a monster, brother. I’m at most an idiot because I didn’t understand that I could hurt people with it.” He does not yet know how long his break will be: “I don’t want to give a date. I have to get fit again. Physically I’m already fit, I’ve lost weight.” But he also has to get mentally fit: “Maybe Hollywood will call in 2024.”