Prime Minister Dietmar Woidke (SPD) in the absence of re-election in the Landtag of three votes from the red-and-black-and-green coalition. The majority is hardly enough.

Squire box: Woidke (SPD) was by a narrow majority by the Kenya Alliance photo: Reuters

POTSDAM taz | It is a special Wednesday morning is in the Brandenburg Landtag elected. This is, of course, a matter of principle, if the choice of the Prime Minister is pending. But this Morning, A Kenya coalition, a red added to this is that a Premiere is taking place in the state of Brandenburg:-black-green Alliance, will jointly select the head of government. It is the second Time in Germany, is a Kenya-coalition.

50 votes, the three groups have, 45 Times “Yes” is necessary in order for the SPD-land-in-chief Dietmar Woidke can stay in the office, which he took over in 2013 by Matthias Platzeck. Platzeck, who resigned at that time for health reasons, is stands among the almost 100 guests to Visit, as the counting results in just before half past eleven, that Woidke has received only 47 votes. The ranges to the polls, but there are three votes from the coalition are missing. The are quickly suspected behind the three abstentions, in addition to 37 votes against from the Opposition.

The atmosphere in the Parliament has, in spite of the lack of votes has nothing of an uproar. Apparently, it was assumed that the SPD and the Greens already believe that the one or the other from the 15-member CDU is convinced of this group, really of the new coalition. The red-and-black-and-green Alliance had agreed on Saturday for a national Congress of the Christian Democrats with 97 percent. Trbet

sit up and take notice was, however, that the Kenyan negotiators and designated the new Minister of the interior, Michael Stübgen – was chosen, though without a counter-candidate – only with a feeble result of 71 per cent for the CDU land Chairman. In addition, the members of the state Parliament and Ex-country head of Sakia Ludwig from the right party wing of the party said she voted in favour of “more or less with a fist in the pocket” of the coalition agreement.

“thanks to our voices, it was enough”, to taunts SPD-Secretary-General Erik Stohn during a break in the chamber of a CDU-members. The old and new Minister President Woidke has just been appointed after his election in a side room of his government team: Five of the ten ministries, the SPD takes over, three of the CDU and the two go to the Green. Women in the new Cabinet in the Majority: you are in charge, six of the ten ministries.

Asked whether he himself would have the first to the Brandenburg Minister of a Tesla – an electric car as a service car, answered the bird: “it could happen.”

In all of this is that the man with the high forehead, the rearmost of the four ranks of the CDU deputies to the Woidke-choice step, three months ago, the future of his party seemed to be: Ingo Senftleben aspired to as a party and the Faction leader himself, the office of Prime Minister. However, at the state election on 1. September dropped the CDU to a record low of 15 percent, five days later, Senftleben, resigned from his party offices.

Back in the chamber the swearing – from a green point of view, followed for a quarter of a century, the first for Ministers from their ranks: the previous group bosses Ursula Nonnemacher and Axel Vogel take over the ministries for social Affairs, health, Integration and consumer protection, and agriculture and the environment.

On Thursday it’s happening for you in your new ministries. Bird had already announced earlier this week that on the first day, the topic of the planned Tesla-settlement in green Heath should be present. Asked whether he himself would have the first to the Brandenburg Minister of a Tesla – an electric car as a service car, answered the bird: “it could happen.”