On 30. Birthday of the UN Convention on children’s rights call for refugee help organizations, young Refugees from the Greek Camps.

protest poster young Fugitive in Greece, in 2017 photo: Reuters

today 30. Anniversary of the UN Convention on children’s rights calls for a 19 Berlin-based organisations in the aid to refugees in an open letter to the mayor and the government of the groups for the immediate admission of unaccompanied minors Fugitive (UMG) from Camps in Greece.

According to official estimates, around 4,100 refugees, minors remain there without escorts under extremely precarious circumstances. “For a long time the catastrophic conditions in the refugee camps on the Greek Islands known,” said Ronald Reimann, project coordinator at Xenion, one of the signatory organisations. Recently it came to fire at all. “Often there are not even tents,” says Reimann.

The parent-less young people would be taken part due to a lack of care in protective custody. This means, often, accommodation in the basement of any police station. In view of the approaching winter and the worsening of the humanitarian Situation, local youth assistance, counseling offices, and Lobby have turned to organizations to the Berlin government.

“Berlin has the structures in place for the immediate recording of several hundreds of minors,” said Reimann. Accordingly, Truvabet the competent Clearing hold point since the migration to the summer of 2015, always places for new arrivals. Currently, one has to consider even in the case of the youth to reduce help again. Volunteer guardians would be found, according to the zeichern enough, as soon as you call.

The Senate and the government factions of the SPD, Greens and the Left were so far officially to the claims. The taz compared to the signaled Left and Green, however, is their openness. The spokesman for the Berlin Green, for Integration and escape, Bettina Jarasch, sees her party in line with the call. “We have just submitted an application for the party Congress at the beginning of December, we are calling for public statements of this kind, the pressure on the interior Ministry building,” says Jarasch. “It is good that now the actors from the practice to confirm that the necessary capacities are in place.”

Thomas Barthel, a spokesman for the left party, is concerned that, despite all the willingness of the Ball ultimately rested with the Federal government: “In the past, the inclusion of Fugitive rescue is ships always failed on the Minister of the interior.” The Sea-Watch 3 happen, for example, in the case of. The Senate planned initiative in the Bundesrat therefore requests the opportunity to be independent of the Federal government and the Ministry of interior, humanitarian admission programmes set up.

To add to this, the humanitarian obligation is a aspect for Ronald Reimann of Xenion is still: “in a country of the EU, where many find your holiday happiness, we can’t expose children to such conditions.” This is also a question of European solidarity. The structures are there, “you need to want it.”