The German national team shows against Northern Ireland, as much of the ball possession football. This has a lot to do with the difference in player Gnabry to.

fine sense in the feet: Gnabry takes the Ball like no other photo: ap

oops, what was that? All is now well again in the German national team football? With 6:1, the selection of the DFB has won their last qualification game for the European football Championships next year and shown that they can play. Since the Ball delivery part, it was a real pleasure.

There were found in rooms where no one would have suspected, because the ulsterman had retreated far back. Again and again a German player started and picked up pace, although the game it was actually of the guests just so good, down slowed down was. 0:1, the German team was back after just seven minutes, and not a few were afraid that it would be difficult, the wall of the men from Northern Ireland to break through. No! As a children’s game saw the from.

And even in the countries mood traditionally play-free curves were sung. Olé, olé, olé, olé! A 42,000-48,000 seats were occupied in the Frankfurt commercial Arena. Not bad for a game in which there’s almost nothing more, against an opponent that no one expected anything, and in the ranks of which nobody plays, you would have to know.

So many left the stadium with a white bag, in which he has the presented EM-Jersey home transported. 90 Euro the white costs a Little, with delicate stripes. Where she was again the crisis that a week ago far and wide have been talking about? In June 2020, the German team with three home games in Munich, will start in the European championship tournament. There will certainly be no Problem to sell the cards in Germany. The expectations have risen massively after a good showing on Tuesday evening. So fast it Savoybetting can go.

Clearly, Northern Ireland, the cream is not cake truly on the European Football. But you can defend normally. And if true, what has been said Germany coach Joachim Löw after the game, the German team is really on a very good path. He has seen mainly good paths. Five days, you’ve had some time to finally, once again, be reasonable with each other to train, and since this had been the way of trains, with which the Germans have broken on this night, a defense that must normally accept six goals. Löw has certainly liked what he has seen.

What is not been since the botched world Cup and the botched world Cup-analysis of Löw on the type of ball, talk, talk. You wool have gone from possession football, to put the audience in Russia, they wanted to play more reaction than action football. That’s not even managed this very well, but anyway against opponents who don’t want to play really, and teams is against strong Offensive is very risky. Especially the defeat against the Netherlands in Hamburg has shown that, even if the German defenders top the staff is not just in the Hospital or in rehab, maybe not the best idea is to define the game on the Defensive. On Tuesday you could see what a good Kicker to romp, as in the German midfield. Just let her play! You will want to call for the coach because almost.

With all the legitimate criticism of the game of the German national team in the past two years, much more than a grey mouse in the world of football, is also a always been criticized: The German, a difference player, one who inspires the enemies of respect is missing, even before the first Ball is played. Now, after Serge Gnabry against Northern Ireland met three times, in 13 countries in 13 goals playing shot, it almost looks like you could adjust the search of this Extra player. As he said after the game: “I’m glad that I could help the team.” He might not know how right this is.