A woman said in Recently in the network, a plaster-Trick for dirty shower walls. Since then, numerous users imitate the tip – and be amazed about the result.

deposits on the shower are not uncommon on the walls. The cleaning often takes a long time and is not very satisfactory. A Trick is to but remedy the situation.

you also Resent on a regular basis about lime deposits on the shower, the you the by view? Then it is perhaps time that you are testing a Trick to make the walls within five minutes back in.

Typically, the Clean, the shower is a tedious task, the wegfrisst too much time. No wonder that cleaning Tricks that promise to solve a Problem quickly, are extremely popular. In the social networks is currently being celebrated in a tip, the shower cabin without much effort and within the shortest possible time to a high gloss. The Only thing you need: A dishwasher Tab, and a sponge.

wife shower cleans with two auxiliary resources

Everything took its beginning in the Australian Facebook group, “Mums Who Clean” (dt. “Mothers, the brush”), such as the Online Portal, Dailymail reported. A woman told of how she grabs at the shower walls to Clean, two work steps in one: Instead of driving, namely, first with the dishwasher Tab over the surfaces and then wipe with the sponge, it cuts a hole in your sponge and presses the Tab . So you can clean in one step – without making the fingers too dirty as well as damp mopping. By using this method, you should get your shower walls in five minutes clean. Also, your bathtub and the wall, she cleans tiles on the way.

your tip, the woman solved immediately, a wave of enthusiasm and many imitated her method. Within a short time, other users have reported similar Successes with the cleaning combination.

interesting : a woman uses unexpected medium, against dirt in the shower – surprised at the result.

shower cleaning: An old Trick in a new guise?

it is not the first Time that someone with a dishwasher Tab, cleans his shower: before only a few a woman reported in the network of your Cleaning by using the dishwasher Tabs*. She dipped the Tabs, however, first of all, in a bowl of water to you to dissolve a little. May has made this Trick now, the woman from the Facebook group and take advantage of a little more workable redesigned.

also read : to clean the shower cabin clean – with brilliant home remedy Tricks.

Of these cleaning Tricks you have not yet heard