foreign Minister Maas wants to pick up the worldwide travel warning because of the Corona pandemic before the summer holidays for all the countries of the EU. But what is a popular holiday countries outside the EU? The view depends primarily on a country.

Berlin (dpa) – The Turkish government expected that the Federal government is reversing its worldwide travel warning, before the summer holidays to Turkey.

The Turkey is from mid-June ready to receive tourists from abroad, said the Turkish Ambassador in Berlin, Ali Kemal Aydin, the German press Agency. “All the necessary precautions to be taken by the competent authorities. We are convinced that the Federal government pulls all of this into account and accordingly decides.”

German foreign Minister Heiko Maas had 17. March is a global travel warning for tourists who up to 14. June is. After that, the SPD wants to repeal politicians for the European Union and by individual travel advice replace, in which the relevant risks is made. As with countries outside the EU, is still unclear. From Turkey to Spain and Italy, the number 3 among the most popular vacation countries of the Germans.

“It is obvious that we have to overcome in contrast to many other countries, the Covid-19-the crisis successfully,” said Aydin of the dpa. “We are in a much better location in comparison to some EU countries.” In addition, Turkey had defined the necessary precautions for safe tourism earlier. He thought therefore, that it is “very unlikely” that the travel warning will not be suspended.

Aydin said the resumption of air traffic was already in preparation. “It is expected that the air traffic will begin in the first week of June with domestic flights and in front of the middle of June, gradually with international flights, to expand.” With the start of the international flights would no longer be of the quarantine regulations. Instead, travelers would be tested on arrival at Corona.

Ankara has registered 156 000 infections with the Coronavirus and 4308 deaths reported. Currently the official case numbers are on the decline. Health Minister Fahrettin Koca sees the pandemic in Turkey under control.

The country is among German tourists to be more popular than for example Austria or Greece. After the failed coup attempt in Turkey in 2016 and the subsequent arrests of German citizens for political reasons, it had to give, however, a temporary decline. The Foreign office warns in his travel notes continue to face arbitrary arrest, exit block and Entry refusals.

foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu said Saturday evening in an Interview with the local station Alanya Dim TV, the relationship with Germany had relaxed from his point of view now. “Compared to before, our relations are very good,” he said. He understood that Germany intended to promote the domestic tourism, hold the “not realistic”. “Our German and Russian friends, all citizens in Europe who know the Turkey, want to come to our country,” said Cavusoglu. The Turkey work to make this possible.

last year, about five million German tourists in Turkey – almost as many as in the record year of 2015 with 5.6 million came after Turkish version of the information. The Germans are in Turkey, the second largest group of tourists after the Russians.

foreign office travel warning due to the Corona-pandemic

Interview Cavusoglu

tourist information about Coronavirus in Turkey (English)