Crude esoteric? Also, there was in 1990, under the squatters in East Berlin. One who witnessed all of this, has now written a book.

In a mystical light: The house project Liebig 34 in November 2019. Photo: Christian Mang

taz: Stino, you are always under this name was known, as a writer, you call Porete now Antonio. Why don’t you use your real name?

Stino: I have since 2012, the labour court processes, at 15. January I have the next appointment. The court should take my name in connection with the book, I expect that partisanship of the court and the loss of my job. Therefore, I don’t wanna go on with my name on it. To be able to against the law of diffraction and bullying procedure, to do I need support, and call for process observation.

what’s the “Stino”?

So I was called by some Autonomous during the time of squatting. Because I made a harmless, bourgeois impression.

Why are you after such a long time a book on this Chapter of your life written?

Berlin in 1990, was the most intense time of my life that shaped me a lot and has never let go. The experience I’m looking for with the dwelling, the home occupation, the eviction of Mainzer Strasse and the two companies in West – and East-Berlin had made, I wanted to hold on to finally, and more to give.

How did it come about that you were as a young West German Student squatters in East Berlin?

a artists, Stino is a nickname. The Book “Stino. From West to East – Berlin 1990“ (260 PP., 18 euros), appeared in the self-publishing and can be ordered via . On 6. December, 19 at, the author the book in the Liebigstraße 34.

I had found in West Berlin, no accommodation, and knew no other solution. So I was actually the tamper, because I urgently needed an apartment.

describe some of the problems that existed at that time within the occupied houses, for example, with the anarchist squatters who thought little of Plena. Can you give an example?

It’s people moved in, the had only the promise of a single resident. The other is not asked for. Another example is a Transparent, hung suddenly in front of our house was without before, in the plenary spoken had been. Against such practices, I had defended myself vehemently.

also on the today hardly known esoteric Squatters. What it had, for example, with the above-mentioned “German floor” in Rigaer Straße 84, huh?

I had not much to do with these people, but I have a booklet in which they presented their view of the world. It was, among other things, to the revival of Druidry Celtic Tradition, the use of psychotropic substances. They were busy with Tantra, shamanism, mushrooms. Understood as a consciousness of guerrilla and were Convinced that the war was making to the consciousness of the struggle for Mobilbahis control of the world.

tell me about your rather randomly established contact with the former SPD-mayor of Friedrichshain, Helios Mendiburu. How was that received by your mitbesetzer the inside?

not good at all. There was a very suspicious reactions.

What is the role of the eviction of the houses and played for them in the Mainzer Strasse on 14. November 1990?

Mainzer Straße was at that time a political center of the squatting movement. After the eviction, the other houses gained in importance. Rigaer 94 and the Liebig 34 is moved to the place, the Mainzer Strasse had at the time.

you describe, that there was a short time before the eviction is still a lot of sympathy with the Squatters, but then a lot of rejection among the Residents. How do you explain this reversal of Opinion?

violence during the evacuation, many of the intimidated to the extreme. People who had supported the occupations previously not dared to acknowledge. And people who were there for the evictions, had less inhibitions, they now had to fear the state violence is nothing to.

Why you withdrew shortly after the evacuation of the Mainzer road from the squatters scene?

During the clearance days, I was for no reason in the suspicion of being a spy. To this allegation, I did not want to expose myself to. The tension of eviction, was extremely high, so I had to reckon with the ill-considered violence affects. Apart from that, I just needed to rest also. Only 20 years later, I got back the contacts to the squatters scene.

Have you noticed as differences to the scene in 1990?

I no longer live in the house projects, and have therefore only a limited insight. But I have the impression that there are still many things that are different today than 30 years ago.

How is your relationship with the projects, today?

I’ve been invited several times to the houses days, and organised by the in-house projects in Friedrichshain. I’m always very happy to be welcome there.

leave the book with a leaflet from the Riga road by 2019 ends.

So I wanted to Express my solidarity with the house projects. This is particularly important for the clearance of endangered Liebig 34. Finally, it is the house that I had mitbesetzt in mid-July 1990. I wish, especially to the residents of this house, a lot of courage and strength.