What can you do in Berlin, so that Disadvantaged opportunities in the housing market have? This question of the 10 sets. Berlin’s social summit on Monday.

In Berlin, thousands of barrier-missing-free apartments, criticised the social summit photo: Reuters

hire cover and everything fine? Not at all, not only says the managing Director of the Berlin tenants ‘ Association, Pure Wild. Like many other representatives of disadvantaged people in the rental market of the Conviction: in October agreed to hire the lid to freeze the capital rent for five years, and partly down to correct, is also Wild is an important step but is insufficient. For the elderly and poor people, people with disabilities and Refugees, the Situation will still be existence-threatening.

10. Berlin-based social summit devoted to this Monday afternoon, therefore, the question of housing. For representative:the inside of tenants ‘ and social associations and trade unions, with representatives coming together:the interior of the policy.

Some specific requests formulated by the participating organizations in advance. The country’s own apartment, meet on company the you have specified at the 11 percent rate for rentals to people with special needs-for example, the homeless-even. However, of 2,500 dwellings for the just available that otherwise would have no Chance on the housing market.

The demand is ten times higher, estimates of Wild and calls for raising the ratio to 25 percent. “But even that is not enough, as long as there are no agreements with private landlords.” Given the current housing market, and the rents cover vergrätzten landlord of the agreements was “very bad”. Therefore, it is throbbing also at the social summit on the construction of new social housing.

Especially it have Milanobet Engelen difficult for people with disabilities in the housing market, so Ursula Kefer, Chairman of the social Association Germany, SoVD Berlin-Brandenburg. Around 613.000 people with disabilities there are in Berlin, approximately 18 percent of the population. For you thousands of barrier-free and wheelchair-accessible apartments are missing. “We don’t even know how high the stock exactly in the districts, which urgently needs to be collected,” says Engelen-Kefer.

The amended Berlin’s building regulations stipulates that by 2020 half of all newly built dwellings must have wheelchair access. But that will not suffice, especially as social organisations complain already three things: The building regulations set out requirements was not sufficient for a wheelchair. Experts for barrier-freedom in the construction of the Berlin chamber of architects of forms – but in a different way than, for example, in the case of experts for fire protection, their use is not mandatory. And thirdly: Already tried the builders to circumvent their obligations in terms of accessibility by exception permits. Here Berlin had against taxes, so the representatives of the social organisations.

Uwe Klett, Chairman of the Berlin-based people’s solidarity, criticized in the run-up to the summit, that is refugees, people would still by the Thousands in community accommodation in hausen. He called for anonymous application procedures at the state-owned housing companies, in order to prevent discrimination. Refugees should also have easier access to eligibility for public housing seem. So far this is linked to a residence permit, which must be at least 11 months of valid.

their claims to want social give associations, trade unions and tenants ‘ Association on Monday afternoon in the house of the IG Metall at the Old Jacob street, among other things, in a conversation with Bausenatorin Katrin Lompscher (Left) reproduction. Self-declared goal of the 2010 justified the social summit is a social and fair policy for the city.