The Berlin foreigners ‘ authority is to be integration friendly: more and More refugees are allowed to work. Experts say, there would be even more.

A Fugitive working as a mechatronics Apprentice at a dealership in Zehlendorf photo: Reuters

Berlin is a city of migration: To confess this banal fact, the Senate in its coalition agreement. One of the building blocks to fill in the phrase with life: the Legal options, on the right of residence is to be exploited in the sense of immigrants, to facilitate the Integration, especially in the labour market.

this is just to Implement the foreigners authority, which will operate from January under the new name of the national office for immigration, but rather in the reputation, consider foreigners primarily as a Problem. Therefore, it was set up last year an expert Commission to develop recommendations on how the so-called procedural notes of the foreigners ‘ authority of Berlin (VAB) integration-friendly. The VAB define guidelines for the discretion of the Administrator, the interiors of rooms at stay legal decisions.

On Tuesday, Senator Andreas hostage (SPD) presented the Commission’s proposals, in addition to state actors, representatives of churches, NGOs, and business and lawyers associations, he has taken on in the VAB. Of the 56 proposals, as a hostage, would be implemented 60 percent.

The example of the Senator for the interior, highlights: people with a Duldung who “have problems in the procurement of passports and are not allowed to work”, would now get for six months, a work permit, “associated with the request, and the procurement of passports to participate”. In addition, it makes it easier for you, your participation to prove by, you have to make it “the only credible, for example, by an affidavit”.

over 11,000 Tolerated, there are currently in Berlin: rejected asylum seekers who cannot be deported for various reasons – the war in the home country, severe illness, lack of passport. Almost half of them have a prohibition of work, mostly because you will not be accused of, to seek enough new identification papers.

Often, however, it is up to the embassies of the home country, the challenge hardly to be procured papers or only in the distant future, a date is not give, but to be Concerned, in writing, so that they do not have proof of your efforts. “That you will be believed, if you submit an affidavit, is a real step forward,” says Commission member Safter Çınar, the Turkish Federation of Berlin-Brandenburg. “So far, it was depending on the administrator.”

Bettina Jarasch, which sits as the integration policy spokesperson of the Green group in the Commission, but whose work is followed, praises this point as a “nationwide one-time integration-friendly interpretation” of what had been introduced by the Federal interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), with its “tolerance of light”.

such tolerance, with reduced salary and without a work permit, since the entry into force of the “Child-return law”, all Tolerated without a passport. A part of this group in Berlin – with the exception of Tolerated Nakitbahis persons from “safe countries of origin” – a work permit for six months to get, “opened a way to the solidification of the stay, I hope that as many people as possible can benefit,” so Jarasch to taz.

This is also the Commission’s praise of the members surveyed by the taz. But they also have some criticism: “it is Precisely at the Transition from the toleration status in the right to remain important ideas of the Commission remained without Not lie”, says Frauke Steuber, the Commission sits as a member of the hardship case Commission of the VAB.

An example of this is Georg Classen, from the refugee Council called: “The foreigners authority requires that, so far, Tolerated persons can present with a ban on working from a workplace that ensures their existence completely.” But that would be “virtually a thing of the impossibility, and, in practice, the main hinderns for a right to stay”.

lawyer Björn Cziersky rice, sitting for the Republican Association of lawyers in the Commission, criticises the fact that at least only with custody of the parents, years of training tolerance still parts to be protected from deportation. “Many fathers have no right to the custody, care about their offspring.” In addition, the Federal constitutional court say that a “family household” can include more than the guardian. “It recognizes the authority for foreigners elsewhere in the VAB itself.”

Christian Lüder of the “Berlin helps” would have wished that refugees go through in preparation for a training a “entry qualification” may no longer be deported. With the beginning of the training you would get anyway with a training tolerance. “It is tragic, if you are in the midst of being deported in a government measure,” place of the fugitive assistant.

What’s missing Lüder still: that Berlin finally declared a stop to the deportations to Afghanistan. “A tolerance for Afghans would be possible in principle, and thus a solidification of your stay.” De facto, Berlin is pushing anyway, not Afghans, but because you want to keep this option for offenders, they also declared an official stop to the deportations.

Overall, Lüder but satisfied, because of the hostage have taken over many of the proposals. Steuber also praises that the Commission was acting “for the future of the country office for immigration is a major sign of a transparent and participatory administration.” Also Çınar highlights: “the civil society can thus influence the foreigners authority, is unique in Germany.”

The Commission should continue to work on 2020.