The physicist Steve Albrecht received the prize of the Senate as the best young scientists. He wants to give the ailing industry pulses.

Excellent researchers: Steve Albrecht at work in the TU photo: Michael Setzpfandt/TU

The big Dino skeleton in the dinosaur hall of the Berlin Museum of natural history is a warning: size is not saved from extinction. That was also the case of the German solar industry. In the zero years the world market leader of an industry of the future, is the domestic photovoltaic manufacturers today, nothing is left.

But it is not excluded, that just here, in the dinosaur hall, the German solar revival could begin. On Thursday, governing mayor Michael Müller (SPD) awarded to the Museum site, the Director of the Berlin science award in the framework of the “Berlin Science Week”. In addition to the main prize of the FU-Arabistin Beatrice Gründler of the young talent award went to the Adlershof solar cell researcher Steve Albrecht. The 35-year-old physicist Albrecht conducts research at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin , a research institution of the Federal government, on new Photovoltaic techniques (PV), where sunlight is better to convert into electricity.

His specialty are tandem solar cells, where conventional semiconductors such as silicon are combined with novel Compounds such as the metal mixture of Perovskite. In this class, Albrecht and his group was able to achieve recently with the efficiency of 23.3 per cent, a world record. The tandem cell has an active area of one square centimeter, which is significantly larger than previous variants.

The governing mayor, Michael Müller, emphasised the power Albrechts, since a year is also a Junior Professor at the TU Berlin, with the words: “for His pioneering research on tandem solar cells allows for new efficiency gains in photovoltaics and transported to the innovations that we need in the fight against climate change.”

The investigator brought the industry a political significance to the game. If the high level of competence in Germany currently own in photovoltaic research, be connected in a new way with industry, could experience the solar industry in special segments of a recovery. Currently, the bedava bonus eagles Hofer develop a cooperation Cepbahis with a in the Brandenburg-based PV manufacturers.

The 40,000-Euro awarded to the main prize went to Arabistin Beatrice Gründler

The Berlin science award is annually since 2008 by the mayor awarded. The proposals come from the Berlin universities and non-University research institutions as well as from the Senate. The main prize is endowed with prize money of 40,000 euros, this one goes out to the facilities, to the scientific service has been rendered. The young researchers, not older than 35 years, it better Be a prize money of 10,000 Euro goes to the Excellent self.

Completely at the other end of the scientific spectrum, the main prize winner is to be found in this year: the internationally renowned Professor of Arabic studies Beatrice Gründler. It examines the emergence of the Arabic script and the book culture and the role of the Arabic literature as a link between Asia and Europe. After many years at the American Yale University, she came to 2014 to the Free University of Berlin, where she is a Professor at the Seminar for Semitic and Arabic studies.

gründler’s Work, paid tribute to Mueller, opened “us with important insights into the world of Arabic literature” and declared their versatile global linkages over a period of almost one and a half thousand years. “In order to contribute to a public and differentiated discourse about the Arab-Islamic culture,” says the governing mayor.

In previous years, 2018 and 2017, the science prize went to the Geneticist prof Emmanuelle Charpentier from the Max-Planck-Institute for infection biology, and the mathematician Günther Ziegler of the FU Berlin, whose President he is today.

The award ceremony with more than 700 guests was held for years, for the first time outside of the city hall. The reason is the use of the natural history Museum for two days was one of the Central venues for the ten-day science festival “Berlin Science Week” with 140 events. Among others, the Technical University of the “Russian Silicon Valley” Skoltech was close to Moscow for the first time in Germany. The “Global Food Summit,” discussed the prospects of the world food, during the Initiative “Young Entrepreneurs took place in Science” is a start-up, in order to increase the low level of company start-up rates of German universities.

However, the concept of the two-day “Science Week the Campus was” as a public science marketplace is not so accepted as expected. On the first day, only 1,500 participants have been counted.