Soon will start the world Cup season. Now the power is kindled battle for the leadership of the German speed skating community.
“flying the flag”: Matthias Large to the President of the Ice skaters photo: Reuters
In Berlin there is the beautiful expression of Pachulke for a particularly boorish people. Matthias Great, the friend and tutor of speed skater Claudia Pechstein, in the category of non-types, the gains with threats, and Blaffereien respect laughing falls. Luck stone has referred to Large once as your “Bodyguard” and therefore his appearance in Public is quite well described.
pitch-stone-like feel in the care of your heart-sheet in good hands, most of the other athletes in the German speed skating community (the g) went Great performances in the style of a Security man on our nerves. Of a “small war over the years” (athlete speaker Moritz Geisreiter) is out of the question.
The athletes felt intimidated by a man, the more and more space occupied in the skating Union. First there were only Olympic accreditation as a supervisor, which was Great as a matter of course, now the “Berlin entrepreneur would like to be,” as the owner of an excursion is restaurant likes to describe it, even the President of the speed skating community.
This is not surprising in the Least, because it was rigid of that fear, almost submissive Association, which has rolled out Celtabet Great over the years, the red-carpet. Of would like now to draw, for obvious reasons, the act of coronation and the chief functionary of upgrades. Great to recognize instinctively the Chance to revive a knocked of the g with his ambitions.
But – o wonder! – the so far silent and indulgent, Anti-Big-bearings within the Association for a Wake-up call. In a press release sent by the Association on Wednesday, is accused of Large Association-injurious behavior; he loses his Status as a “supervisor”.
The g was once a successful Association could diligently count medals, but today, alongside the eternal Claudia Pechstein, the touring, even with 47 still around, barely pedestal en iyi bahis siteleri runner. Also, today in Minsk the beginning of the world Cup season is not expected to have much of the German skaters.
The leadership has adapted to the services of the athletes, unfortunately. The last President Stefanie Teeuwen dropped, allegedly for financial reasons. It is a Power and decision – making vacuum in the Matthias Great want to trust.
The state of the g is so sad that, anyone in the mood for bizarre experiments, to be carried away by the statement could leave Rather a Pachulke at the top of the ice skate runner as loud Geeks.