The Berlin-based homeless Association wants policy a volunteer award from the district center because of its “inhuman”. Good!

In mid-undesirable: homeless Camp in the Tiergarten in 2017 photo: Reuters

The fundamental Dilemma familiar to many clubs: Man struggles with his commitment to the problems are the fault of the policy, at least. And of all the responsible politicians to lavish a praise – emphasize how important this volunteer work is, as indispensable for society, blah blah blah. Sometimes they give the enterprising Clubs even prices.

Currently, the Association came to Berlin’s homeless assistance in the embarrassment that the district wool give the middle of the volunteer award in 2019. The explanation on Facebook of why the Association is negative, the price was divided in the course of the weekend a lot and “liked”. In fact, everyone who deals with homeless policy in Berlin is to share the findings of the Association that the district has sometimes been a “homeless enemy and often the person is driving, or rather inhuman policy”, the problems well-nigh tightened.

We recall, for example, the racist Statements of the green district mayor Stephan von Dassel, 2017, he wanted to deport after a murder Cratosslot in the zoo “aggressive Eastern European homeless people”. Otherwise you are driving in the middle of like hard edge: time and again, district employees clean up the tents of homeless people; the number of people report that the office refuses the accommodation, which is in accordance with the General security and order act for the districts.

in view of the district policy, therefore, it is in fact cynical, such as assistance for the Homeless writes that the district would now like to “give with a great gesture,” a price Casino siteleri calculated to the club, the beat (among others) with the consequences of that policy around. Nice if clubs dare to say this out loud. To show such a clear attitude, not everyone trusts themselves – especially since clubs depend partly also on the drip of state subsidies. In the previous year Moabit was to help you, “” so brave – the club was nominated for the prize endowed with 5,000 euros neighborhood, price, and refused this, because of Statements by the patron, Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer, to the asylum policy.

Such Statements are important, show them the policy, where the limit is. It’s bad enough that the civil society must always make often the sweeper for a failed policy. But this, of all things, of those praise, the didn’t screw it up? No, Thank You!