Why not have prevented the attack on the Left-politicians Ferat Koçak? In this Interview, he, what he thinks of the latest statements by the authorities says.

The famous image from the night of the attack, 1. February 2018 photo: Reuters

taz: Mr Koçak, in the session of the interior Committee on Monday, went again to the arson attack, the alleged rights of a perpetrator of 2018 committed to your car. How much of what was discussed yesterday, was new to you?

Ferat Koçak: Very much. The question is not Yes, why the security authorities warned me or stroke prevented, even though they knew it proven that the suspects have me spying behind. The answers that were given yesterday on this question, differ significantly from those that existed previously.


Previously, it used to be said that the police had only known that the holder of a red Smarts a possible attack is the target, but not which one. Now you tell me you can already narrow prior to the attack on three persons, I was also including. But you would have thought that I can’t be the Right thing to do, because I would be against the Law, or for refugees to be active. I mean: Huh?

Ferat Koçak Born in 1979, is a local politician of the Left in Berlin-Neukölln. In 2018 he was the victim of the alleged extreme right-wing series of attacks that rocked Neukölln for several years.

are you a local politician of the Left, have stood for election in 2017 for the Bundestag, and were active in the Kurdish HDP.

that is totally obvious that somebody is how do I stop destination for these offenders. You could have googled that one Time my name, then you would have been the clear. In what for a world you do not need to live because that means that somebody is how do I a potential victim? Didn’t you want to protect someone like me?

The protection of the Constitution already knew long before the attack that they are being spied by the suspects of neo-Nazis.

Yes, and not only from the wiretapped conversations, of which we know already a bit longer. Which were, apparently, already in 2017 in front of my front door – the man from the LKA told me yesterday. I Grandbetting didn’t know so far but, my lawyer knew it. I find it shocking that I was not informed of such a thing even in hindsight.

The reasons why the authorities had not understood that the neo-Nazis spied Ferat Koçak and Ferat Kocak, owner of a red smart, are identical, is this: her Name had once been Koçak and once Kocak written, therefore, there had been no hits.

I don’t write myself, mostly Kocak, I use the C with the dash at all. I have a form of my name already, and yet he represents the authorities apparently insurmountable obstacles.

in addition to this series of mishaps has not been in the interior Committee that the protection of the Constitution, for reasons of source protection wanted the information to be used to protect you. How does it feel?

After yesterday, I still have a lot more question marks in my head than before. I wonder: What has to happen in order for my life or that of other people is considered to be worth protecting – protect more desirable than the possibility of constitutional protection to obtain information? That the fire is not transferred from the car to the house in which my family and I Casino siteleri have slept in, was just luck.

Is the way the security authorities in this case seem to have behavior, from their point of view, an expression of incompetence, or if you suspect that intention?

One of the two is it in any case. But in order to clarify this, we need the investigative Committee in the house of representatives, I and many other Affected demand. Because it is clear, however: is my case so much now about the authorities ‘ failure to be known because he is so much in the Public eye. In the case of the other attacks we don’t know what have been done and perhaps anywhere for errors.

so Far, only the left party supports their demand for a Committee of inquiry. Calculate that they still chances?

From my point of view is very clear: The Greens will have to move now. Why Berlin parties are afraid to deal with possible right-hand structures in the security apparatus? This must be a concern that because so much of it as possible will be informed.