On Friday, the regional court decides on the eviction of the house project Liebig 34 in Friedrichshain. casino The residents want to remain living.

the house-project Liebig 34: With the eviction action to the end of the horizon to the photo: Christian Mang

this is It: One of the most exposed house projects in Berlin threatens. On Friday morning at 9 o’clock, half of the queer feminist project of Liebig 34 before the district court an action for eviction of his house owner Gijora Padovicz and the opportunities, with a further right of residence from the process of coming out are not good.

What threatens then, is the police clearance of the old building on the corner of Rigaer Straße in Friedrichshain, in the so-called village square, which marks, with its colorful facades like no other, the claim of left-wing radical scene on the Friedrichshain Nordkiez. And also a lot of excitement.

in January Padovicz had filed the lawsuit. Previously, in 2008, negotiated a ten-year lease was to run the contract with the inhabitants of the inner shaft, and the owner is not extended. Gorabet The Left criticized that you have a decent permanent residential space lease agreement for the 1990 occupied and later legalized the house was denied. In a Mediation, it is said: “This is an outrage and we demand an end to this conscious circumcision of our rights as a tenant*on the inside.”

But it’s probably too late. The real estate Mogul clearly has other plans for the building. On conversations with the residents, he was also the district’s policy could not move him to a different approach. 2008 Padovicz had come to the supportive residents before and had bought for 600,000 euros in the house. Up to today, so say the Left, you would have paid “to him 570.140,31 EUR rent of the house independently maintained and self-managed”. While the purchase have to amortize the sum so already, waiting for Padowicz at the since exploded as the real estate of the great killing prices now.

The Liebig34-residents are able to make for months, clearly, you don’t want to leave your home voluntarily. Again and again they have demonstrated for their whereabouts, the last at the beginning of November were about 1,500 people from Kreuzberg to Friedrichshain. It had come to clashes with the police.

The scene is currently faced with the impending loss of a number of alternative projects. 26. November is the announcement date for the eviction action against the neukölln Pub syndicate, the 12. December follows the eviction process against the cross-Berger pub mutiny.