The red-red-green Senate decides the 8-billion Euro tender for two S-Bahn routes. Is this sustainable? A Pro and Contra.

Holds here, soon a third-party provider on the S-Bahn route? Photo: Reuters

The new model for the S-Bahn is no way around or in this case, no Track. Too risky? In the case of an 8-billion-Deal not calculable? May be.

The country has built so far, no S-Bahn itself, it has not waited, and cross-country moves. This has made a state-owned company, the S-Bahn GmbH, a subsidiary of Deutsche Bahn, with the large and still with a lot of small problems. If the now private companies, under close control, is not visible, what could be worse, but a lot of improvement in sight.

Since all of the horror are of course the stories of the privatisation of the Railways in England in the ‘ 80s, the passengers had to suffer. But for this case, say is: That was not a fault of the system, but the lack of targets and lax or non-intentional supervision and intervention.

In the biggest S-Bahn tender, the country on the East-West lines and on the North-South route suppliers to build trains, driving and repair. If up to then, Brandenburg agrees, to launch the Europe-wide invitation to tender before the end of the year.

8 billion Euro is the total package big. Around 3 billion of them are ready to purchase 1,300 new carriages, which are otherwise as yet completely belong to the country, to be more precise: a 2020 to build a vehicle company.

Who moved in the future, the S-Bahn-passengers through Berlin and the Brandenburg region should be “until the end of 2021, at the beginning of 2022,” yeah, so transport Senator Regine Günther (Green). (sta)

In Berlin happened when the Central lever of the whole system, exactly the opposite of privatization and loss of control of The Land brings, rather, all of the new S-Bahn-cars in his property, leaves other travel and in country workshops for repair.


If, then, happened, what critics say before – worse performance, wear, Tardiness – can’t cancel to do the country for the first time, what went on previously in the absence of Alternative contracts and a new company committed to driving the country’s own trains through the country. That didn’t work, because it is not immediately a other with it’s own trains on the state, but not always reliable the S-Bahn GmbH was able to replace it.

The new model ensures that not again, as in 2009, a Monopolist sets the operation almost to a standstill. As it is, ultimately, no matter how many Bahis siteleri companies share the construction, maintenance and operation – critical contracts with detailed terms and conditions are also to staff of, and payment for, and durable control. Then it can still happen that some of the employees earn less. That would be unfortunate, but no reason for a model to refuse, which moves millions of passengers and more reliable than in the past by the city. Stefan Alberti

Friedrich August Hayek, the Guru of neoliberalism, would have raised the transport Senator course: of all things, a red-red-green coalition, the S-Bahn trains on a line with its Vision of a ubiquitous market. The mourning for the privatisations of the nineties does not seem to be in every corner of the Berlin Senate floor.

The reputation is ruined anyway: S-Bahn Berlin photo: dpa

Now, is calculated to ensure in a Central area of General interest, public TRANSPORT, competitive business a prosperous future. The planned purchase of a new vehicle fleet by the Land is understood only as a necessary means to open the S-Bahn in the future, more than ever, for private profit interests.

You must not be a market fanatic, to criticize the Status quo of the S-Bahn. But it is negligent to pull out of delays, breakdowns and rising costs, the conclusion would have to the S-Bahn GmbH join more private-sector computing competitors, in order to let milk and honey between West and East flow.

Rather a mess as of 2009, shows how damaging a profit orientation to a needs-based, and safe public TRANSPORT is generally. And Yes: Also the disastrous privatisation of British rail under Thatcher must be put off. Instead of discussing, such as an associated rail transport could usefully be made, people take refuge behind the alleged constraints – to call to finally, after more of the market.

The necessary coordination between the operators is a huge and avoidable overhead.

Green how Red must be clear: A new competition on the Track will be played in all statutory mitigation, especially on the backs of the workers and at the expense of maintenance and safety. Also, a distribution of the operation and maintenance of several company with the function and purpose of an integrated S-Bahn network to be incompatible. The necessary coordination between the operators is a huge and avoidable overhead.

One is not a dismantling for the purpose of competition is certainly a sensible way to a smooth rail traffic. Björn Brinkmann