Horst Seehofer, has for years been an influential figure in Bayern and in German politics – he has now announced a hard cut.

Horst Seehofer wants to return to politics after 50 years. The Federal Minister of the interior has announced in an Interview with a hard cut. Praise of former CSU chief once more for the course of Chancellor Merkel in the Corona-the crisis of Europe.

Update from the 24. May 2020: on Friday interior Minister Horst Seehofer has announced a hard cut for the time after his political career (see below) – the chances have risen sharply, that the Ex-CSU-Chef will actually need to pull the end of term to private life back.

be the successor to Markus Söder want to do without in the light of the Corona-crisis on a planned CSU-castling in the Federal Cabinet – so it will have to at least know the picture on Sunday, shortly after the CSU party Congress. “The question of a Cabinet reshuffle is not in the middle of the Corona-crisis. The Federal government currently has the highest Reputation and the CSU Ministers are doing a very good job,” said the sheet, according to the party leadership of the Christian social.

Söder had requested at the beginning of January for the second half of the parliamentary term, a exchange of Ministers of the Federal government and a rejuvenation of the Cabinet of German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU). A taper would have been able to meet in addition to development Minister Gerd Müller (64) , especially the 70-year-old Seehofer. Controversial transport Minister, Andreas Scheuer is because of the failed toll.

Federal elections to be scheduled no later than October 2021. Seehofer had last declared that he wanted to get off “after the next election” from the policy.

say goodbye to the policy: Seehofer announces clear cut – “you be me …”

+ Horst Seehofer wants to return to the current term of the policy.©dpa / Gregor Fischer

first message: Berlin – the Federal Minister of the interior, Horst Seehofer (CSU) want to get off after the expiry of the term from policy . After the next election, a “total contrast to what I’ve been doing the last 50 years to start for him,” said the 70-Year-old mirror in a Friday pre-published contribution. He will then be a “non-political person”. “You will find me in any of the Supervisory Board.”

Than Minister Horst Seehofer was part of several Federal governments , in the Federal Ministry of the interior, the Federal Ministry of health and the Federal Ministry of food, agriculture and consumer protection. Also in his home Bayern he bore political responsibility. From 2008 to 2018, he was the Bavarian Prime Minister . The party Chairman of the CSU, he kept from 2008 to 2019.

Horst Seehofer announces the retreat: “you are me can with the current policy does not entice you”

“you are me can with the current policy does not entice you, even if it annoys me perhaps even more so,” added the CSU politician. For the crisis policy of the German Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) in the Corona pandemic Seehofer found even more words of praise: “This was exactly the right strategy.” In Germany a “long, long haul to get now” in order to overcome the Corona-crisis. “And since we need the Chancellor.”

The country had so far got through the crisis, said Seehofer on. “All of this leads me to believe that we are pushing the Virus further back and maybe even be able to overcome.”

Seehofer criticized by the Leyens EU-Commission: “I can take care of me …”

on a Less positive opinion on the EU Commission was in the current Interview, Seehofer’s – although this is led for some months by the CDU politician Ursula von der Leyen . I had great hopes on the new EU Commission“, said Seehofer. “Today, I am, to put it mildly, disappointed.”

“I can take care of the sea rescue and children refugee camps in Greece. I may seek a joint asylum policy,“ said Seehofer. “But all these are tasks of the EU.” Also the recent push of a European investment programme, Brussels was the Motor, but Berlin and Paris, said Seehofer, according to Spiegel.

Seehofer’s political career began more than 50 years ago

reached the end of the legislative session, which will also mark the end of Seehofer’s career as a politician, with the next elections to the Bundestag, the latest on 24. October 2021 will take place. His career in politics began in 1969 with his entrance into the Young Union . In 1980, Horst Seehofer, for the first time in the German Parliament was elected

Seehofer’s CSU wants to hold on Friday, its first virtual Congress.


section list image:©dpa / Peter Kneffel