for Years, were crowded the German class rooms. This must change in the Corona times. A way could result in the Association’s homes and exhibition halls.

In the Corona-crisis* from the educational institutions, special flexibility. Politicians, teachers ‘Association and parents’ Council are working on a concept for the coming school year. Probably is then also taught in the Association’s homes and exhibition halls. Here you will find the basic facts to the Coronavirus* and the Corona-News from Germany. We also offer them in a map, the current case numbers in Germany. Currently there are the following recommendations to the Corona-protection measures*.
All of the previous developments to the schools in the Corona-times, you can find here.

Update from 30. May 2020: Many parents – but also students – waiting eagerly for a piece of normality in the operation of the school. the Minister of education, Anja Karliczek (CDU) is now printing. It has called on countries and schools as a matter of urgency, to create the conditions for a reliable teaching after the summer holidays .

“Every school in every country must set a goal: After the holidays must be a structured teaching offered in such a way that, if possible, a full school program is ensured,” said the CDU politician of the Rheinische Post. “Whatever.” The parents were often on the Limit, and the students suffered, said Karliczek.

you know the difficulties, admitted the Minister. “But we’re just living in an exceptional situation, and since now everything must be mobilized, so that the children and young people to be taught reliable.” It needs to be worked on-the-spot intensively on solutions, so that the operation of the school “with a mixture of classroom and digital instruction ” again fully.

“The summer holidays can take advantage of the schools to create more space by placing, for example, the Container”, said Karliczek. They also welcomed the proposal of the Federal elternrats, for teaching about club houses and communal event spaces back to access. “This can help the spacing rules.”

The education policy in Germany is the responsibility of the States. Representatives of several Federal States have already announced that they will seek after the summer vacation, a normal operation of the schools. Bavaria’s Minister of culture Michael Piazolo (Free voters) is about wanted to last leave but no “guarantee” for it.

schools in the Corona-crisis: parents want classes in the Association’s homes and exhibition halls

initial message: Berlin is the same As the lessons of the future ? In Corona-times is wrestling with a sustainable concept, in order to make schools for all classes at the same time accessible. Now, there are first plans.

the Federal parents ‘ Council proposes, for the rectification of, and compliance with, the distance holiday rules in schools after the summer lessons-in-homes, conference centers and municipal buildings to offer. The first reactions are positive. The German Association of towns and municipalities was open for the German teacher’s Association also.

+ Is taught here soon? The plans of parents and teachers that could accommodate after the summer holidays, club homes, a classroom.©dpa / Carsten Rehder

schools in the Corona-crisis: After the summer break, not anywhere operation possible

Also in the new school year school will operating not anywhere in the rule operation can take place, said the managing Director of the cities and municipalities, Gerd Landsberg, the German press Agency . To prevent infection, should as far as possible be adhered to, the distance and hygiene rules .

“can make It according to the Situation on the spot sense to let a part of the school operating in the larger rooms of Clubs or other facilities take place.” Landsberg pointed out that in many school buildings, the spatial Situation with a view to the distance, often unfavourable had rules. “The holidays should, however, be used to optimize the facilities in regard to ventilation, sanitation and other hygiene requirements* .”

schools in the Corona-crisis: Will be informed soon in the exhibition halls?

The Chairman of the Federal elternrats , Stephan Wassmuth, had been challenged in the Newspapers of the Funke media group, to organize for the time after the summer holidays, more space for teaching. “We have to assume that also after the holidays the spacing rules continue to apply.” Wassmuth, and also club houses, communal meeting rooms, to conference centers, or even exhibition halls .

The President of the German teachers ‘ Association , Heinz-Peter Meidinger is in favour of the proposal. In many municipalities, there is empty houses , which would not be used, he said of the dpa. The Outdoor education , for example, in one of the courtyards of the schools could be an Option, as long as the weather cooperates.

+ Could also imagine Outdoor lessons: As President of the German teachers ‘ Association, Heinz-Peter Meidinger worked in a school concept for the period of time during the Corona-crisis.©dpa / Armin Weigel

schools in the Corona-crisis: demand for regular Tests

“But this is all safe to the solution ,” said Meidinger more. He urged the education Ministers of the countries a new concept for the time after the holidays. This should include, in his view, the regular Corona-Tests* of teachers and students .

The Union Chairman Ralph Brinkhaus the need for a rapid return to normal operation in schools, day-care centres and kindergartens. The closure enlarge differences between children of educated and uneducated families , said the CDU politician of the “editors’ network Germany” (RND/Saturday). Also, the burden on the families was problematic. “Therefore, we must quickly come back to a normal school routine and regular child care in day-care centres and kindergartens,” said Brinkhaus.

The education policy spokesman of the FDP group in the Bundestag, Thomas Sattelberger, said: “school after the summer break, not to the same fiasco degenerate as is currently the case.” Therefore, schools in the summer holidays, two would have to plan on track . Sattelberger called for “thoughtful solutions” for the classroom, home, and solutions for the classroom. In addition, the person would need to ensure politicians are “urgent”, that the class larger rooms than alternative solutions .

schools in the Corona-crisis: There is a lack of knowledge about risk of Infection in children

representatives of several Federal States have already announced that they are operating at the schools seek after the summer holidays, a normal . Before the holidays, some want to do without, at least at the primary schools also full classes teach and distance rules. On the possible retransmission* of the Coronavirus via day-care centres and schools is much discussed. Evidence of the Contagion and spread risk in children and adolescents, there is not yet. You’ve told a study location, with no real conclusions let , had the Minister of health, Jens Spahn* (CDU).

the President of The conference of education Ministers of the countries, the Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of education, Stefanie Hubig (SPD), told the taz: In all of the länder, of the urgent desire, demand to return to more normality . “Basically, our way is the same: If possible, should take place after the summer vacation, a normal operation in the schools.” You’ll exchange at the beginning of the next week.

* is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network.


section list image:©dpa / Michael Kap peler