It has been working with the Federal nature conservation for decades, and did so with The Isar floodplain forest in the district of Freising is placed under nature protection. Also, people have something.

County –On the river Isar, Bavaria’s largest riparian forest protection area. A total of approximately 2430 hectares to 50 kilometres in length, between Garching and Landshut are to be provided as a natural forest area, “riparian forests of the Middle Isar” under protection. A big part of it is located in the district of Freising. The forest should be able to develop naturally and undisturbed.

“It is a success of our decades-long commitment to a close-to-nature Isaraue,” says Wolfgang Willner, Chairman of the Federal nature conservation. “This is sure to have contributed our research to the renaturation of the river. We have explained the specificity of the renatured Isaraue for the diversity of species and high ecological value of Wilderness brought into the discussion,“ explained Christine Margraf, 2. Chairman of the BN Freising. The typical Flora and Fauna of the wetlands to get to new habitat.

But not only nature, but also the people is now a fantastic space for nature to explore, in the soul, or the changes can be observed. “The positive feedback show that many citizens want more Wilderness,” reports of the Federal nature conservation. There are also new spaces are created, in which the Isar can spread. The BN hopes that this Potential will be used by the water industry.

Isar floodplain forest under protection: “A great opportunity for man and nature”

The meadows of the ISAR river are one of several areas in Bavaria in the past as a 3. National Park in the conversation were, and now as a natural forest-a protected area stated to be. This new category of protection were prohibited by the Bavarian state government for ten percent of the state forests in the additional negotiations on the new protection of species law. Karl-Heinz Häberle and Christian Magerl (both BN) agreed: “It is a great opportunity for man and nature.”

member of the Landtag of Benno Zierer (Free voters) welcomed on Friday made announcement by forestry Minister Michaela Kaniber also. “This is an important building block to the Bavaria-wide nature of the forest to implement the network, we have agreed in the coalition agreement.”


The BN had already been submitted in 2016, a concept for natural forests in Bavaria, and ten per cent of natural forest in the state forest is required. The Ministry submitted the delimitation of the river ISAR largely corresponds to the proposal of the Federal nature conservation.

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