A childhood trauma in the form of a misshapen Vase found in the Donnerstagsolge the way to “Bares für Rares”. In Horst Lichter, the helper sysndrom woke up immediately. Would find the seller a buyer for their “beautiful abomination”? The lady had to be helped!

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lights, trying to remain polite. All the more grateful he was described as a 53-year-old from Cologne, your Vase, as “my beautiful abomination”. The presenter was not, however, to bear in mind: “What not to say, however, that perhaps she is insanely valuable, or an incredible artist has made them.” Time

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see … the favourite pieces of the deceased grandmother had to grow up with their mom, Sabine Kolb itself. Now, the design of a curse should be broken. Horst lights comforted her about the childhood trauma across: “what is become of you, despite the Vase.”

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Colmar Schulte-Goltz talked soberly about the landscapes that were pictured on the three reserves. As he lectured on the Overhang, out slide the otherwise to objectivity sought experts with a value, in the end, “strange”. Overall, the Vase was a “very bizarre in its time of unusual object”. Rar so in all cases.

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“Austrian Art nouveau” would have described this kind of decoration in the international market, as Goltz Schulte. “God bless you’s, there’s a collectors market”, – commented on the lights. The chances were so great that the lady without the art-Nouveau ornaments was allowed to go home, believed lights. The expert could not help Laughing.

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Sabine Kolb hoped for 300 Euro as compensation for the aesthetically challenging Childhood. Colmar Schulte-Goltz complained, although abrasion to the gilding, but recommended that 400 to 450 euros. “I press the thumbs that get the hell out of me,” insulted lights the Vase for the last Time. In the dealer room at first it was hardly any better …

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“Oh!” did the dealer. And it doesn’t sound like a compliment. Markus Wildhagen (center) noted, almost reproachfully: “you have brought something.” Walter Lehnertz was only tired: “Well.” Emotionless, he made his standard bid of 80 Euro. Then Christian Vechtel (right) caused a Surprise: He offered from the Stand 200 Euro.

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“The sheer ugliness beautiful again,” said Walter Lehnertz. The colleagues wanted to find out what Christian Vechtel knew what you knew …

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“Christian, let us partake of your Knowledge,” begged Julian Schmitz-Avila (center). “What have we here before us?” What are the internal values are hidden, the sale object, you do not want to Vechtel betrayed (to the right). Only so much he gave the price: “This is extraordinary art Nouveau.”

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Walter Lehnertz commented that the pond in my shirtsleeves, “Yes that looks stupid, I’ll give you that.” Vechtel agreed that he agree. It is a duel between the two dealers followed. “The jeck, the fit of your shirt,” said Julian Schmitz-Avila.

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It was always childish: Christian Vechtel bot 480 Euro, “because he has annoyed me so”. Lehnertz to put: “500, because he’s gotten so stupid.” “Because I don’t want him to leave,” offered Vechtel 520. He got the Vase, and Sabine Kolb was your Ballast finally.

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Detlev caraway had to rest, he inspected the gift of Gunnar Trus. The Designer Daybed served one day as a Patient couch of a psychiatrist. Julian Schmitz-Avila bought it for 1,550 Euro. The idea of Trus was, in fact, the traders could put together and the bed for a power NAP in the Studio.

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What is a Mr maßschneiderin with a cake knife? The Bettina Duke thought to himself. The neat handle kitchen utensil with 800-silver-prized Wendela Horz 80 to 100 euros. Walter Lehnertz with bot just out of Spite, because the colleague asked him, and he had private, no cake knife. In the end it went for 90 euros, Christian Vechtel.

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physics student Markus quickly stream from Karlsruhe had no desire to be a gift to snag and have no idea what it actually was. Detlev caraway realized: a Morse writing apparatus. The Student negotiated so well that Walter Lehnertz recommended that a vacuum cleaner salesman to retrain. Julian Schmitz-Avila paid 200 Euro for the rarity.

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A bracelet from the 30s, brought the couple get double check-raised from Lübeck to lights. As a wife, Heidi mentioned, it was the gift of a sailor, not a suppressed lights “Oh lala” in addition to a lot of meaningless hand movement. The Couple denied the brazen insinuation. Wendela Horz held 3,000 euros is appropriate. Elke Velten put 200.

This article was written by Michael Eichhammer

*The post “”Bares für Rares”: Incredible tenderer battle to a “beautiful abomination”” is published by the tele look. Contact with the executives here.

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