A little over a year after his last broadcast on France 2, the wound is still fresh for Patrick Sébastien. Interviewed by the newspaper Midi Libre, the animator who did “turn the towels” on the public service for over 20 years with many projects, but admits to being surprised not to have received bids of another tv channel to a programme. It also retains a certain bitterness towards France Télévisions about the way her departure was handled.

we must remember the shock when the announcement is made public in October 2018. After 22 years on the air, Patrick Sebastien learns that his beautiful love story with France 2 is complete. A few weeks later, “The greatest cabaret on his 31′ will bring 3.8 million viewers (27.1% of audience share). A success that does nothing to change the decision of the public service and does not appear to be open doors today. “It is strange, I start with 3 million viewers and, since a year and a half, I have no proposals to people” entrust to the regional daily newspaper Patrick Sébastien, who stresses, however, “it doesn’t bother me, I’m free-wheel”.

Read also Patrick Sébastien tackle Anne Hidalgo, and the “three assholes on a Vélib’ ”

Its history is written in particular on the side of the rooms to show where he wants to decline the “greatest cabaret in the world”. The end of 2019, it announced the provision of about twenty dates, starting in December 2020. It evokes this time the number of 32 Zenith, with 50 artists on stage. With the daily montpellier, he announces a tour “30 years of fiesta” from the next year… and for an indefinite period. “This will be the last, but it will last seven years until I could no longer jump in the air with The Sardines”.

Patrick Sébastien rule (yet) have its accounts with France Télévisions

For the facilitator, this interview is also the opportunity to get back on his departure from the troubled public service. “When they fired me, I found myself like when I am treated to 8 years of age. As this 14 July, where guys have put me of chestnuts in the mouth, saying to me ‘will you complain to your father, you just don’t have’. There, they made me poor,” says Patrick Sébastien. But he relishes it all the same a success : “My pride is that they have not managed to change me”.

Read also Patrick Sébastien demand 5 million euros to France Televisions

Interviewed by Midi Libre, he does not hesitate to tackle the leaders of France Télévisions and the way he was treated. “I’ve never seen the same people. I had two people to the rehearsal with a phone that said ‘he said that, we are going to cut it…’ I was not part of their world and, beyond me, they did not like not my audience”. The facilitator was obviously still some things to say on the subject.

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