ASSERTION: The Corona case numbers increase only because more people will be examined for the pathogen.

RATING: the increase is due in part to the higher number of Tests, for the entire infection such conclusion is done but not permitted.

FACTS: The number of the States transmitted in Corona cases in Germany since the middle of March until the beginning of July on the decline, since then it is growing steadily. On Friday, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) announced in 1449 newly reported Corona infections within a day.

However, the total number of Tests is increasing continuously. For months, the capacity will be expanded. The RKI transmitted to laboratories since the end of June, each week a Test number of more than 500,000, it had been even good of 672,000. For comparison: In the week between 27. April and 3. May it will be around 327,000 Tests.

the number of reported Coronavirus cases has steadily declined – test numbers rose or fell

The Science Media centre (SMC) has been studied in an evaluation of the RKI data, such as the number of Corona-evidence in relation to the total number of Tests has been developed. It has therefore been decreased, for example, between early April and mid-June, the number of reported corona cases week-on-week, while the number of Tests performed increased sometimes or decreased.

In recent times has increased the number of Tests in some cases only slightly, while the reported recorded Positive rates results in higher growth. An example: In the week between 6. and 12. Of July, the findings, under well-510.000 Tests almost 3000 Positive. Four weeks later (3. to 7. August) were sent to of 672,000 results, of which about 6900 positive. So, while the number of Tests increase of almost 32 percent, jumped the number of Corona cases by 131 percent. dpa/Britta Pedersen/dpa-Central picture/dpa/picture Icon, A Swab for a Corona Test.

to set The RKI holds back, however, these two pieces of information from very different data sources in relation to each other. While the observed Corona-should infections be mandatory transmitted, the number of Tests carried out on a voluntary basis by the laboratories. This number fluctuates, there is late registration. In addition, the RKI indicates that Multiple Tests of the same Person as different cases in the statistics because no data are collected to the people tested.

there is No direct connection between the number of cases and number of Tests

Both the RKI as well as the authors of the SMC Corona Reports do not exclude that in individual weeks of a rise in case numbers in part to the addition of the Tests carried out is due. The basic conclusion, increasing numbers of cases are only dependent on the referred to the SMC, but as inadmissible. Also epidemiology Professor Gérard Krause, Helmholtz center for infection research in Braunschweig, says: “The increase in positive Tests is not due solely to the increase in testing.”

What is currently growing in the same dimensions as the new infections: the Numbers of cases of severe disease and death. It is assumed that the current in the ratio of more people in the working age or younger to be tested – for example, travellers, people in the workplace or in school.

average age of the Tested drops from 50 to 34 years

at the beginning of the Corona pandemic have been studied, especially individuals whose signs of the disease to a possible Covid-19-suggested diagnosis. “Unlike other infectious diseases, we are currently testing a much more comprehensive way also people who show no symptoms,” says epidemiologist Krause.

In April, the average age of the RKI detected Infected at 50 years, currently at 34 years of age. In the case of younger people, severe cases occur less often than in older. To note, however, the RKI that deaths are not registered in a staggered, since people usually die in the same week, in which they infect.

“the detection of The seriously Ill, and death occurs only after a certain period of time,” says Krause. This was also the beginning of the spread of the pathogen in Germany. “We may tend not to fail to directly protect particular people against infections, to severe disease.” The average age of the Deceased was according to the RKI information last 81 years. Paula’s dog gets lost in the woods – by the brilliant idea he finds back home FOCUS Online Paula’s dog gets lost in the woods – by the brilliant idea he finds back to home

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