The SPD wants to nominate Olaf Scholz to the Chancellor candidates. From fraction circles to hear that there was “an overwhelming majority” for the nomination of the Federal Minister for Finance, after the summer break. The Chairman of the SPD parliamentary group, Rolf Mützenich, positioned themselves in public: “The citizens clearly see Olaf Scholz today as the best choice.”

Also, the SPD Minister-President and Chairman of the great national associations were agreed that one should exclaim Scholz this autumn as a candidate for Chancellor. The chief of the SPD land Association of North Rhine-Westphalia, Sebastian Hartmann, writes: “I am as Chairman of the largest state Association to clarify the issue of candidacy quickly.” And further: “Olaf Scholz is the logical candidate for Chancellor.”

In the K-issue to be faster than the CDU

to decide The social democratic party has two motives, in the K-issue in the near future. For one, you want to take advantage of the positive poll Momentum for Olaf Scholz. The entire SPD is thanks to its reputable crisis policy in the polls again on a par with the Greens. And to get ahead of the green competition, is in the Willy-Brandt-Haus as an important strategic goal for the year 2021. About the author

Wolfram Weimer was born 1964 in Gelnhausen, Germany and spent his Childhood in Portugal. He studied history, German literature, political science and Economics in Frankfurt and Washington. He was awarded a doctorate in 1991. He was editor-in-chief of the daily newspaper “die Welt” and “Berliner Morgenpost” and the magazine “Focus”. In 2004, Weimer founded a publishing house and the magazine “Cicero”. In his publishing house, the newspaper “economy courier”, the Magazine “Börse am Sonntag” and “investment trends”, as well as the satire portal “Pardon”. Since 2015 Wolfram Weimer is also the publisher of “The European”.

on The other want to have clarified the social Democrats, the CDU candidacy for Chancellor. The earlier exclamations Scholz and behind him, he can gather, the better could be the Union’s internal struggle over the Merkel’s power-succession for political use. In the last Federal election it was always fight Vice versa: The Union had with Merkel’s uncontested candidate, while the SPD continued to maul in Power.

Too often, the SPD verstolperte the Kandidatenkür

The SPD wants the mistakes of the last election don’t fight now repeat. A still of Andrea Nahles commissioned a secret study came after the crash of the SPD with Chancellor candidate, Martin Schulz, at the election of 2017 to the conclusion that the candidacy for Chancellor urgently needs to be earlier and more comprehensively clarified. 2012 (Frank-Walter Steinmeier) and 2016 (Peer Steinbrück) verstolperte the Kandidatenkür under the leadership of the then Chairman, Sigmar Gabriel, somewhat chaotic.

at the beginning of 2017 cleared, Gabriel and Schulz, K-question late and tense among themselves. Sebastian Hartmann says, therefore, what are all the in the party headquarters thinking: “A good campaign takes time and must not verstolpert. This shows the bitter analysis of the party’s Executive Board the last General election.”

The SPD looks for a carefully planned Scholz campaign in a good starting position. You will have after the election victory in Hamburg much more Confidence in the entire party, especially the metropolis of Munich could be won in the recent municipal election clearly. With Lars Klingbeil, an organization, a strong Secretary-General to hold together the wings of the party currently being sent.

The SPD Federal Minister of Franziska Giffey to Hubertus Heil did a good Job, and Olaf Scholz spent in the popularity rankings of German politicians currently at the very top. He had in the population “felt the Chancellor of the format” and also bourgeois voters to speak and the majorities in the middle.

The SPD Chairman – a Remnant of the Fifties

What about the SPD officials are not talking, of course, are their chairs. Saskia esque and Norbert Walter-Borjans, apply to the upcoming election campaign, rather than a burden. Esque acts in the media as a “sadistic social studies teacher” (Focus) and Walter-Borjans, as a an Amateur “grandpa” (image).

During the corona crisis, they are struck again and again by crude ricochet and clumsy proposals of ideological moth boxes. You try rather clumsy, your Ministers, the journalistic water grab.

None of your attempts is coordinated with the group, much of the language sounds like the content of yesterday’s. “The world” describes the social-democratic sentiment: “The SPD-Ministers in the Federal Cabinet to cope with the Corona-crisis with reason and sense of proportion. But this is hardly noticed, because the chair sound as if you were still living in the fifties”.

The SPD party leaders occupy in the current approval ranking of the top politicians place on 17 or 18 – still behind Dietmar Bartsch (Left), and Wolfgang Kubicki (FDP), just barely in front of Alice ryegrass and Alexander Gauland (both AfD). That esque and Walter-Borjans, can beat a Olaf Scholz, the party’s internal contest for the party presidency, is now considered as the Achilles ‘ heel in the election campaign. Under the Green is already widely used the saying: “As one who is not defeated once Saskia esque can be, Chancellor?”

Up in the Rankings: Merkel, Söder and Scholz

but when we Look in the popularity rankings to the top, standing there next to Angela Merkel only Markus Söder, and Olaf Scholz. Söder, as Scholz earn reputation points as they were half a year ago for the unthinkable kept. Söder obsolete in the approval of recent surveys values, even Angela Merkel. And Olaf Scholz, the man had mocked for so long as a Drudge “Scholzomaten”, the eloquent Robert Habeck, Friedrich Merz, Armin Laschet and behind.

In the political Berlin is discussed, therefore, a constellation for 2021 louder and louder: A Federal election campaign Söder versus Scholz. So since the days of hissing skirmishes between Söder and Scholz, to be followed closely. If the upper limit for debt, of the municipal protection shield, or any coupons you taunt now every day against each other.

After the two had searched for at the beginning of the corona crisis, the demonstrative closing of ranks of the sovereign decision makers, Scholz even specially travelled to Munich to make this for all the world to see, start the Distancing and positioning of the fights. If Scholz is soon an official candidate for Chancellor, is expected to be a tight spot for Söder greater.

Stelter against Stegner: Top Economist decomposed SPD man at Lanz FOCUS Online/Wochit Stelter against Stegner: Top Economist decomposed SPD man at Lanz AfD slips in poll on the worst value since 2017 – the SPD sets to FOCUS Online/Wochit AfD slips in poll on the worst value since 2017 – the SPD sets out to

*The contribution of “SPD learns of attack on Green from old mistakes, leading Duo paralyzes the party” is published by The European. Contact with the executives here.