There are heart-wrenching scenes, the currently in many of the Old – and nursing homes in Germany to play: children and grandchildren to visit their parents and grandparents, you can’t hug it but not stroking. The patient in the sitting, often in a wheelchair, behind fences or Perspex. They are close and yet so far.

For the members of a hard-to-income state, especially if your loved one need to suffer from the loneliness and a lot of Affection. You want to press and take your Hand – but it may not. Experts speak of the “human tragedies”.

there are certainly ways, the direct contact between the home residents and to allow their families to a safe and secure manner. This fails, but apparently the political will and the money.

relatives of the patient to limit their powers

The Corona pandemic has changed the lives in nursing homes dramatically. Week a strict visit was to prohibition, which brought the affected families to the limits of their powers, both emotionally and physically. Add to that the certainty that the Virus especially for the old, the sick and people in need of care represents an enormous threat. Thousands of residents of homes for the elderly were infected, many died. Even among employees, there are a lot of Corona to mourn the Dead.

about three weeks Ago, the time of Isolation ended. As the first Federal state of North Rhine-Westphalia opened on mother’s day, his homes for the visitors, other countries followed suit. The authorities make visits to strict requirements and hygiene concepts. Even if the Opening for many of those Affected will mean a long – awaited relief- problems and open questions there are still.

All the latest news on Corona pandemic, you know, in the News-Ticker of FOCUS Online.

Some of the homes in NRW not allow any visitors into the house

According to FOCUS-Online-information, several homes do not let in NRW until today, no visitors in the house, because the structural conditions allow it, including the old people’s home-Friedrich’s castle in Münster. The strictly regulated rules – contacts are still allowed only through the visitor’s window to pay off. So far, there has been in the house with 138 seats, with not a single infection case.

happiness is not with this concept, nevertheless, on the contrary. Finally, there are opportunities for the residents of a closer contact between home and their families would allow it.

Corona-testing, and protective masks: in Many places, a lack of goods

A measure of protection would be to carry out in the facilities of extensive Corona-Tests in short time intervals. So you know exactly whether a Person is infected or not. A similar Test could be allows members. Both Tests are negative, seems to be a direct contact is largely harmless. You want to be on the safe side, might home staff, residents and visitors with protective masks and clothing be equipped.

The social Association VdK, the white homes of the difficult situations in the care, would welcome appropriate measures. VdK-President Verena Bentele to FOCUS Online: “The football League’s with extensive testing. The governments of the Federation and the länder should have all of the important direct contact between residents and members will again be possible.”

In most regions, it is far from however far.

Caritas speaker: “sticking point is the financing,”

Harald Westbeld, a spokesman for the Caritas in the diocese of Münster (205 homes with 16,000 inhabitants), is said to FOCUS Online: “The testing of employees and residents remains problematic. Sticking point is the financing.“ Although the Federal government has, that the cost of the health insurance companies are taking over. “It is the concrete rules as to when a Test should be missing.” A number of doctors would refuse to test in homes in Corona – from uncertainty as to whether “the insurer assumes the costs.”

What works for footballers, not in homes

Many home staff, residents and relatives are wondering why in Germany, a regular and intensive testing about the football professionals work, homes but continuous Tests in nursing. “This remains for us also ethically questionable puzzles,” said Westbeld. “Tests in the elderly and nursing homes appear to be more important to us. They represent, without a doubt, a necessity.“

As necessary, the provision of sufficient and good-quality protective material has in the eyes of many experts. However, until today, many employees in nursing homes, nursing services, and even hospitals are complaining about too little equipment to protect against Corona. Breathing masks with fine particulate filter (FFP2 and FFP3) would also be missing, such as aprons, goggles and gloves. The German professional Association for nursing (DBfK) sees this as “a huge Problem”.

cry for help: homes ask the public to protective clothing

Harald Westbeld by Caritas says: “the Government, the supply of protective masks was not lush.” That the inventory is sufficient at the moment, however, was up to the initiative a lot of homes. “The were able to replenish their supplies themselves.”

Not only in NRW are the facilities in terms of protective equipment to be largely self – in the whole Federal territory need to manage homes with masks, the donations of private people and companies. Some care institutions have launched public appeals for Aid, and protective clothing literally begged. Katrin Kell, head of the Department of nursing in the Diakonie Hamburg, the city asked recently: “Procured us the same Material, so that we can protect our patients, our residents and, of course, our nurses enough.”

Sachsen-Anhalt: masks for all care facilities,

Some States have recognized the seriousness of the situation – and acted. Already at the beginning of may were the most deprived persons in Saxony-Anhalt, close to all of the approximately 1250 care facilities (around 58,000 care, 34.000 Employees) masks distributed. The outpatient facilities each received 600 FFP2 masks and 2000 surgical masks. In the case of stationary facilities, the amount depended on the size of the house. “So the nursing homes can output masks to visitors,” said Minister of health, Petra Grimm-Benne (SPD) of the initiative.

This week Saxony announced-Anhalt’s state government, additional masks supplies to homes. Also, in care to take place and facilities for the disabled reinforced Corona Tests. Minister of Grimm-Benne: “We want to protect people with an increased risk of infection, especially in hospitals and nursing facilities and chains of Infection at an early stage to interrupt.”

Federal Minister of health Spahn wants. the Tests extend

the Federal Minister of health, Jens Spahn (CDU) sees clearly the need for action and wants to rapidly create the basis for more Corona-Tests in hospitals and nursing homes “When patients and residents are taken or misplaced, should Sars-CoV-19 Tests to be the rule.” In addition, should be made after an infection in a facility, the entire staff and all residents and patients, as a precautionary measure, a Test. Also symptom-free contacts of Infected should first have the right to testing, so Spahn.

by The way, the particular Saxony-Anhalt has taken shows: When politicians take the Concerns of the Old – and nursing homes seriously and respond appropriately, helps all the parties Involved: the employees, the residents and the relatives. May be an improved crisis management leads to children and grandchildren can embrace your live in the home parents, grandmas and grandpas again soon. It would be a light in the dark days of Corona.

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