FOCUS Online : Mr Bareiß, will we ever be able to travel again like I used to? Corona is long-distance travel and cross it impossible to make journeys on the long term?

Bareiß: holidays this year will be different than usual. We will have to live with limitations, with distance commanded and mouth protection. I think this is doable, but we need to strike a careful balance between the protection of health, travel and economic interests. Cruises, for example, are provisionally be hardly possible to many people to long in to a tight space. However, there are already plans for this, as it is in this Segment in the next few years, you can go further. We must not forget the problems of the bus companies, which are significantly affected by the current Situation.

increase of the Auto-tourism is to be expected

FOCUS Online : what about long-haul flights?

Bareiß: Since there are still many open questions. Some experts are convinced that the Problem is solvable. The air conditioning and the quick air envelope can protect seem to have a virus spread in the plane. I think it would be for a variety of reasons, including cultural and political, to be harmful, if in the next few months, no TRANS-Atlantic flights would be possible. The people will concentrate just on holiday more likely to be shorter distances, and the individual mobility and the car will have greater significance. This avoids contacts and gives a feeling of security. I am confident that the summer vacation will be in Germany and in neighboring European countries.

FOCUS Online : And beyond?

Bareiß: We are currently working on a European level, but also within the Federal government, to concepts, such as safe travel in the future is possible. In the last weeks of an intensive exchange with my EU result-colleagues. In spite of travel restrictions, I have the impression that we are a bit pushed together. Us, the responsible handling with the Virus, but at the same time are United by the wish to a economic high of the tourism industry to.

hope for destinations in Egypt, Tunisia, and Turkey,

FOCUS Online : What concrete prospects there are for travel, which can also lead to something further away?

Bareiß: Greece, for example, is already very far and is preparing meticulously for the necessary safety precautions. Spain has, however, still struggling with the effects of the Corona-crisis. We observe the development of weekly, and the first tangible benefits to come from the 15. June. In addition, we also have strong travel to destinations outside of the EU in the view. For example, Egypt or Tunisia. But Turkey is a popular travel destination. Without too much hope, but I believe if these countries have similar achievements in the pandemic fight like Europe, I see no reason why you must stick to the tough measures.

FOCUS Online Will continue to dampen the perceived threat, the desire to travel the Germans permanently?

Bareiß: Realistically, it will need a little bit of time until the initial values are reached again. I am convinced, however, of the long-term positive Trend remains. The need to travel, to experience other countries and cultures, remains. Travelling not only relaxes, it is well known, and serves international understanding. I, myself, each of my trips, whether, for example, to Asia or America, always learned a lot and broadened my horizon. I don’t want to have to imagine a world in which people on such experiences without. In addition, the travel country Germany has many possibilities.

FOCUS Online : If the Germans now travel through your favorite Travel destination in Germany, even more intensively, could result in bottlenecks?

Tourist bottlenecks in Germany

Bareiß: to exclude Clear bottlenecks cannot be ruled out. But we have a very transparent market, and the experts respond very quickly and flexibly. In the case of particularly attractive attraction points are of course spacing rules must be adhered to. Because it takes good concepts. On the other hand travellers, but are missing this year. So, last year we had over 30 million foreign guests. The fall of this year mostly.

FOCUS Online Will increase the tourism industry, therefore, the prices to have suffered a loss of income to compensate?

Bareiß: It is the responsibility of the provider to weigh. But I hope that travel will continue to be, for every purse affordable.

FOCUS Online apartments and houses are likely to be in demand as a accommodation more, because they promise privacy and protection. How does the hotel offer? What changes will be necessary?

Big problems for Wellness-Hotels

Bareiß: This is in fact a Problem. You think alone the fact that many Hotels and resorts have in recent years invested significant funds in Wellness activities. To open this again, is currently a challenge. Also amusement parks will have to limit the number of your visitors. However, I am confident that our company possess the power of innovation to think of new offers that take into account the changed Situation.

FOCUS Online Needs of the German tourism for the domestic business impulses, such as a travel voucher for financially not so well off holiday makers, the Bavarian Prime Minister Markus Söder could imagine?

Bareiß: We now need to consider all measures that may be helpful. The demand for Germany-vacation from the domestic market is likely to tend to increase, not decrease. In this respect, the Bavarian proposal is rather aimed at social compensation because of state support for companies. The many small and medium-sized enterprises in tourism would be helped especially if we are levies, taxes, but also reduce the bureaucracy in General. This helps in the long term. Since we need to ran. The seven per cent on food for the catering sector were an important first step.

emergency funds for hospitality planned

FOCUS Online How will it go with the help of the state, now?

Bareiß: The existing aid packages have helped. However, we must now focus on the companies that are no longer affected by the crisis. We are working on an emergency aid Fund is available to all companies that must now cope with a significant loss of revenue, open. Of restaurants, Hotels, trade fair and Congress will be of benefit to the economy or, for example, showman. The particularly serious concern to the travel agents and tour operators we have in view.

FOCUS Online : How is your own holiday this year?

Bareiß: I have to renounce to my great Regret, already on the usual ski holiday, the always gave me a lot of strength. How it goes, I have to wait how many other customers initially. Now it needs but also a goal for the summer, I am aiming for. My wife would like to make this year in Germany at the North sea holiday. It pulls me into the mountains. Probably will prevail my wife.

real-time-map shows new Corona-epicenter – worldwide more than 5.5 million Infected FOCUS Online/Wochit real-time map shows new Corona-epicenter – worldwide more than 5.5 million Infected
