The Corona-weddings were deportation flights is not possible. Now the situation is relaxed and Bavaria’s Minister of the interior also wants to this field back to “normality”.

The Corona pandemic had also made deportation impossible. Now Minister Joachim Herrmann thinks of Bavaria, on the inside of a resumption of flights to Syria. The SPD, however, is irritated about the initiative.

Munich/Erfurt – in the face of a trend toward lower Corona Infection levels attributed to Bavaria’s interior Minister Joachim Herrmann for the second half of the year with the resume deportation flights . “We have to go through the Corona, with the crisis in a new context. De facto are currently set to the flights, because the countries of origin to accept because of the risk of infection returns hardly,“ said the CSU politician on Sunday of the dpa in Munich.

He but assume that will loosen up in the second half of the year. “The air transport as a whole is stepped up again.” From Wednesday to Friday, the interior Ministers of the Federation and the länder in Erfurt lecturing . The extension of the deportation-stop for a further six months is available.

deportations: Söders Minister of the interior wants to allow offenders back to Syria to bring

Perspectively, it must be from the Lord’s point of view, also deportations to Syria . In the upcoming Minister of the interior conference is an extension of the deportation stop is still unavoidable. “In our opinion, in particular, offenders must be able to be led back to Syria,” he said.

“In the future, we must perform a differentiation. For example, a have committed criminal offences Syrians, the self-confessed supporters of the Assad regime is must can, also back to Damascus to be brought.“

To the Corona break in the deportations to Syria? “I can’t> for the life of me not …”

the head of The conference of interior Ministers, Georg Maier (SPD) </strong , said on Sunday that there is currently no rule of law acceptable removals are possible. "I can't deport with the best will in the people to the place where a reign of terror prevails," said Maier of the dpa. He also warned to take a "pre-selection" and to make in the future, only about deportations of criminals, supporters of the Assad regime possible. "We can't ensure that people that we have perceived now as Assad-loyal and not be deported, but immediately imprisoned and possibly executed," said Maier.

He could understand, that there is in the population, the view that Syrians , the have committed in Germany in serious crimes, would have to be in your country. “But as bitter as it sounds, in some individual cases: It’s not.”

What’s happening people, in the clutches of the Syrian secret service s got, can be a trial before the Koblenz higher regional court to guess. Two alleged perpetrators of torture will have to answer there. A 58-accused-counts of murder, rape and serious sexual assault. The other defendants should be in a senior Position for the brutal torture of at least 4000 people, of whom at least 58 were killed. One of the defendants-in-law yet, and the other rejects the allegations and presents itself as opposition supporters. Both of them fled to Germany, where they were from alleged Victims recognized.

asylum: the topic is back on the Agenda – Seehofer-proposal in the debate, the Numbers will rise again

The topic Migration and asylum is likely to the German presidency of the EU to determine: Recently, it looked like as a proposal of the interior Minister Horst Seehofer (CSU), the future course of action in the EU to be able to find the support of the EU Commission.

After a significant, corona-related decline in April have recently arrived back more migrants in Europe. In may, there were crossings on the main migration routes of almost 4300 unauthorized border – nearly three times as many as in the previous month, as the Funke media group reported, citing the, based in Warsaw, EU border protection Agency Frontex . In April, the Figures had dropped in the Wake of the Corona-pandemic to a record low.
