without a Smartphone: The group of 18 – to 24-Year-old has been questioned by researchers, including their use of media. Digital assistants are coming into play, therefore, also for the health of a role.

Düsseldorf (dpa) – Technology-savvy, always online, but also health – and eco-aware: the Generation Z, the group of today 18, according to a recent survey – to 24-Year-olds.

“The Generation Z places great value on a healthy lifestyle and can not imagine life without a Smartphone,” said Christian Wulff, head of retail and consumer products at the consulting firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC), the results of a study in Europe about 10,000 consumers were surveyed, including around 2000 members of Generation Z.

to learn about current events, the 18 – to 24-Year-olds, according to the survey, especially on websites, Podcasts or Blogs, and social media. Only 24 percent of information via traditional media such as magazines and Newspapers, Radio and television. For comparison: For the over 35-Year-old traditional media are still the first choice (44 percent), when it comes to stay up-to-date. Also when you buy the 18 – to-24-Year-olds much more frequently through social media or Online ads to inspire than people over 35.

For the “Gen Z” to play in addition, sustainability and health an important role, as the study showed. So it is about trying to avoid plastic (37 percent). Sustainability may cost quite a bit: Almost two-thirds (62 percent) of the respondents would accept a higher price for regional products in buying. 52 percent are willing to pay for organic products and more.

This fits in with what the Generation Z pays attention to their own health. Almost half of 18 – to 24-Year-olds (44 percent) has an App on your Smartphone or Tablet to track their health or Fitness. Also on the subject of mobility, significant differences between the young and the older Generation are visible: the Generation of Z for two-thirds of respondents are open to Autonomous Driving. Anyone who is over 35, is markedly more sceptical Here every Second of reservations expressed.